Chapter 21-B (Lamar)

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(Lamar wakes up. He doesn't feel Sheridan shielding his body anymore as he gets up)

Lamar: Hello?! Theo? Mikey? Amelia? Lucinia? Lucks?! (Gets concerned) Anybody?!

Theo: Lamar?! Is that you?!

Lamar: Theo?

Lucks/Henry: Lamar! Thank God you're safe!

Lamar: Henry! Theo! Are you okay?

Theo: We're good dude!

Lamar: Where is everyone?

Lucks/Henry: We aren't sure yet but we got rid of Azai in the process.

Theo: We did?

Lucks/Henry: We did. Now we need to get everybody out of here as soon as we can so Lamar?

Lamar: Yeah?

Lucks/Henry: What I want you to do is- (He and Theo scream glitch out of sight) U1VSUFJJU0UhISE=

Lamar: What the?

Lucinia: Lamar?

Lamar: Lucinia? Are you alright?

Lucinia: I am. What happened? Where's Theodore and Lucks?

Lamar: They're gone! They were okay but they glitched out and vanished.

Lucinia: What? Is Azai okay? The explosion should've killed him.

Lamar: Ye! He was like right near Amelia and Deena tho. There was no way he-

(Just before he could finish what he was gonna say. Lucinia glitches out of the room too.)

Lucinia: UEVFS0FCT08hISE=

Lamar: LUCINIA!?! What's- What the fuck is happening?

(Then once Lucinia glitches away, the entire room's walls, floor and ceiling turn textureless then the screen in the arena corrupts then displays color bars that distort in a random hex code format then the screen turns white. Lamar is getting goosebumps from this scene.)

Lamar: (silently) What the hell is going on here █████?

(Then suddenly Tenebris Sheridan's hand emerges from the bottom of the screen and pushes against it. He cracks it then shatters it, he emerges from the bottom slowly giving Lamar the crazy eye)

Lamar: NOOOO!!!!!

Tenebris Sheridan: (Evil laughter) heheHAHAHAHA!!!! Hi again friend.

Lamar: We have no positive relationships!

Tenebris Sheridan: (scuff) We've spent many memories together I'm sure you would remember one of them.


Tenebris Sheridan: (Rectifier distortion goes over his voice while he laughs) HAHAHA! (The Rectifier Distorter slips off) Why would I be? You're the one who kept me company. That's all I wanted really! Just victims- eer I mean friends to keep me company-

Lamar: HA! You said victims, so that meant you ARE being a sarcastic dick to me █████!

Tenebris Sheridan: Goddammit you brat! You blew my cover!

Lamar: And that means imma leave you and never dream of you again! (runs away) Sayonara █████!

Tenebris Sheridan: You rotten son of a- ! (He goes back into the screen and travels through the stadium's technology. As Lamar is running for an exit he taunts him through speakers and tv's) YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM ME FOREVER LAMAR!!! You'll be just like your friends. But I'm sure they won't last as you will.

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