Chapter 21-C (Masa)

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(Masa wakes up dizzy as he sees everything in the arena is torn up)

Masa: (coughs) Oho ow. Guys? Uh. We won!

Lucinia: Aww! Yeah!!

Dr. Sheridan: WOOHOO!! We did it!

Belle/Deena: You did it Masa, you conquered your past!

Masa: I did? (Relief) AH! I did! The era can hurt us anymore!

Lucinia: (Jumping onto Masa hugging him) I'm so happy for you dude!

Masa: (delighted) Haha! No problem Lucini'.

Dr. Sheridan: So what do we do with all these people?

Masa: No panic guys! Just call 911. Just tell them to get an ambulance, police and fire department.

Dr. Sheridan: Okay. I can do that.

Masa: Alright. Oh, by the way Lucinia.

Lucinia: Yeah? What is it?

Masa: Is Lucks in the debris?

Belle/Deena: Masa...He's alive...

Lucinia: He's proud of you too.

Tari/Amelia: (demonic, sexy whisper) And he's coming to congratulate you.

Masa: Huh? (He turns around and Amelia disappears. But in Masa's view he thought he heard Amelia playing pranks on him again but doesn't see her behind him.) Any of you guys hear that? (He turns around and sees Lucinia with her mouth stretching a super wide smile with her head twitching giving an eerie repetitive laughter. He gets extreme goosebumps) Lucinia?.. (He shrieks as he notices that Lucinia quickly melts away and sets on fire) AAAAAAAA!!!! 

Tenebris Lucks: (emerging past Lucinia's ashes) HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Well well well, if it isn't lil' ol' Masa Shiamoto.

Masa: What are you doing here?

Tenerbis Lucks: Question is, what are we doing IN here?

Masa: What are you talking about, we came here to- (He realizes something off) . . . . Am I not..

Tenebris Lucks: Warmer.

Masa: Am I in a coma?

Tenebris Lucks: Close enough. (evil giggle)

Masa: (worried) I-I thought if we defeated Azai, our fears of the- (tries not think about it but hears thoughts of him from the Tempest tournament). . .MD5 era would. . .conquer our fears!

Tenebris Lucks: Not quite. You still have too much to go through in order to escape your fears. OH! I'm sorry, I meant by an endless amount.

Masa: WHAT!?

Tenebris Lucks: Because you'll never escape the past ever. . . .So I'd say it was fun getting to spend time with you and getting to know each other. . .(His voice turns monstrous) Sweet dreams sweet little child. (He shapeshifts into the sniper's mask but this time it's a full on leopard. He lets out a killer growl)

Masa: Oh crap.

(T. Lucks dives into the ground through a portal formed in the ground. Masa runs for the exit. He's near the exit but T.Lucks emerges right behind it standing.)

Tenebris Lucks: Why don't you just give up buddy? Surrender, trust me when I say this to you. You don't want to see what happens if you go further than here.

Masa: You read my mind for a long time dickhead. I'm the meta runner that takes risks. When I see a risky event ahead. . .I just go yolo. (runs to the exit)

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