Chapter 8: Discoveries Are Made

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(We start our chapter with Tari and Theo sitting on the TAScorp roof. Theo is whistling spooky scary skeletons happily because this chapter just so happens to take place in October (or just "spooktober" or as I sometimes call it "spooptober" lmao). Belle comes through to chat)

Belle: Hey kiddos

Tari: Hey BFF

Theo: Hey Belle, what's up?

Belle: Nothing really. How about yourself?

Tari: Boredom. Only thing to do is to just watch memes for our channel since pretty much our fans seem to enjoy that besides our meta runner gig.

Theo: That's good, I like memes! Memes are the only things I find to be comedy now. They can be better if they were on TV.

Tari: Well, believe it or not memes can be referenced on TV or in games.

Belle: Or maybe even here. Or right now.

Tari: Whatever creators think. But eh, it doesn't really matter does it?

Theo: Maybe, maybe not

Belle: Oh! Tari, did I tell you about the "Battle Blaze" Experiment?

Theo: ?

Tari: Battle Blaze experi- What the hell is that supposed to be?

Belle: It was some experiment that was NOT caused by Sheridan but somebody else who's....possibly dead.

Theo: What do you mean?

Belle: (sigh) Come with your girl then, I'll tell you all about it. Hell! Y'know what, since the lab it took place in

Tari: Lab 32?

Belle: (unamused).  .  . No...that was the lab....that...happened. The lab this experiment took place in was Lab uhhh don't know if it was 82 or 64? I can't remember. Nobody talks about it anymore.

Tari: But that's like how this city never talks about the child murder spree.

(later: They reach the lab it took place in.)

Tari: Woah, you don't know what happened to him?

Belle: Not that many, He wasn't in the hospital on Christmas day because we were too busy celebrating. So we don't know if he's dead or he's out...I think he might've died because we never heard from him after Christmas passed by.

Theo: (sad) Awwww

Tari: Oh no.

Belle: (sad) (sigh) Yeah. Poor kid. (in front of the lab) Welp, this is where it went down. October 12th, 2018 to be exact.

Tari: Wow. It's unlocked too.

Belle: Ye. Lucks realized that nobody even cares about the lab nor the event anymore so he unlocked it because of some people not even caring about it anymore.

Theo: Are we going in?

Belle: Yeah. And the passcode to get in waaaass (entering the code to the door and saying it silently) 0, 5, 7, 1, 1.

Computer: Access granted.

(the door opens slowly to reveal the lab is obliterated. The lab smells burnt, most of everything is dusty and rotting, And only 1 air vent was hardly producing air. The trio is disgusted by this.)

Tari: Oh (coughs) This smells shitty as (coughs) fuck!

Belle: GAH!! Why didn't anybody (coughs) Hold on guys. (runs to get an air re-freshener) Hey where's the Lysol at?

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