Chapter 21 (Epilogue)

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(Sofia wakes up in a hospital room)

Sofia: (quickly sits up) (gasps) (feels pains in her back) OWW!! Hello? Lucinia? Anyone in here? (She finds a mobile wheelchair next to her bed. She turns on the light next to her and gets on the wheelchair slowly. She goes to steer to the bed next to her but she sees the bathroom door opening.) Hello? Where's-

Lucinia: Sofia?

(Lucinia walks out of the bathroom. She has sustained injuries to her right arm. Her meta runner arm gains alot of scratches but at least it wasn't destroyed or severely damaged. She has alot of cuts and bruises all over and her hair is a mess.)

Sofia: LUCINIA!!! (Gets up from her wheelchair but the pains from her back are too much) Aaaaa...

Lucinia: I'll do it for you Sofi' (hugs her gently) Good to see you finally up I was so worried.

Sofia: (tears) Lucinia, I'm not alright!

Lucinia: Yeah. Cuts, broken back, shattered legs

Sofia: No! You don't get it! I had MD5 trauma! You're still mad at me for what I done. (Cries)

Lucinia: (confused) . . .What makes you think I'd be still mad?

Sofia: (sniffles) You're not?

Lucinia: Was it the curse?

Sofia: How'd you know?

Lucinia: You weren't okay this past week. I knew because you were lying.

Sofia: You knew?

Lucinia: Sis, you're just plain terrible at handling situations yourself. You could've let anyone else cope with you. I said this months ago and I'll say it again. You're friends and family are there for you! Amelia, Deena, Theo, Uncle Henry and Masa and Sheridan and Lamar even everyone at TAScorp will help even your sister! Y'know, the one standing right in front of you. . .Look, it just goes to show you still need someone to be at your side when life's got you down. You wanted me back because you still need me to help you through life didn't you? Y'know, shit about that's also about mom and dad?

Sofia: I did. Life is just scary for me it's too hard I don't know what to do anymore! I'm alone too often to handle this! (Sobs loudly) It's too hard without mom or dad!

Lucinia: Aww, don't be so afraid....I understand now and Sofia...don't worry alright? I'll help you through. Even when we don't have parents anymore we're still sisters. We are a team together... I love you, and you love me. I'll be your shield in the future next time. Don't worry...(hugs her) you'll be okay.

Sofia: (calms down) You really helped tonight.

Lucinia: I always do... Let's just focus on resting and healing for a little while.

Sofia: Alright. Well it's a good thing we're in the same hospital room.

Lucinia: We should spend time with others and not just ourselves all the time You really do love me too much.

Sofia: Shaddap! No I don't.

Lucinia: You so do!

(Sheridan and Lamar are hearing the Porters outside their door.)

Lamar: Now I understand why she wanted her back so badly..

Dr. Sheridan: Man, it gives me vibes of like the last days I saw my wife.

Lamar: Cancer?

Dr. Sheridan: No it was polio... Since that day, depression and bad luck really struck me. But now that I'm here...I really feel like I grew into a better guy.

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