Chapter 6: And So It Begins

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(Meta Runner season 1 picks up from here)

Random gamer: Oh hey! Did you want a turn?

Tari: No, s-sorry. Just looking.

(scene switch)

Afrobot: I see your interested in the speed rings!

Tari: Ahh, Jesus! (yes she swears in this AU) I'm just looking alright?

(scene switch)

Belle: So you HAVE played this before?

Tari: Am I winning?

Belle: Yeah, I guess.

(scene switch)

Tari: You do know you're in a video game right kid?

Theo: Yep, sure do!

Tari: (sigh) Was my life always this crazy?

(scene switch)

Lucks: I am a very curious man, and what you have here has peaked my interest.

(scene switch)

Theo: Woah, is this that secret level Tari?

(scene switch)

Lucks: I am a man of opportunity. And when I see an opportunity, I take it.

(scene switch)

Lamar: Don't worry little man, I got this.

(scene switch)

Masa: have alot to learn. But we definitely have a place for you here.

(July 25th, 2019. 11PM)

Tari: So Theo, this is where we'll be staying now.

Theo: Yeah, I wish I can stay in this secret level forever.

Tari: Welp you can't. I have memories that maybe lying within TAScorp. I need it badly.

Theo: Maybe one day you might not need them. You need your family in your life and I do too.

Tari: (confusion) Theo you don't have a family. How the hell do you think you are?

Theo: I don't know. I probably have alot of secrets than TAScorp does.

Tari: (sigh) I have some secrets too. . . . . . . . Through who I am...I just want my family..If I have one.

Theo: I know you do Tari. You look like you do.

Tari: Of course I do.. That's the thing from my memories I fuckin' want. And only that. I feel.. I-it's the most important thing in a person's life.

Theo: Yeah..I think so too. I want a family

Tari: Oh my god. Theo, no disrespect you are a damned video game character and you can't have a family.

Theo: (disappointed) Okay.

Tari: But that's alright. Let's just get some sleep for right now. We may have a very "interesting" time ahead of us.

Theo: Okay, sweet dreams Tari. (sleeps)

Tari: Good night Theo.

(Lucinia and Dr. Sheridan are watching them through the cameras)

Dr. Sheridan: (touched) So beautiful. I could cry but...I'm not going to.

Lucinia: Eh, you might when their memories are returned.

Dr. Sheridan: True dat. night tonight?

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