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"Hurry up, we need to be at the airport earlier," complained the brown haired alpha as he stood at the door frame, waiting impatiently. Another week passed and their flight would start in a few hours.

Namjoon rolled his eyes and pressed his luggage in Jungkook's arms. "Here big alpha, you'll surely carry my luggage for me, right?" He blinked with his eyes prettily. "Right," grumbled Jungkook.

The omega smiled and went downstarirs, the alpha close behind him. "Goodbye," smiled the brunette, hugging his parents who stood there, still in their pyjamas. "Please take care of our Joonie, Jungkook. He's tall but a little baby and sometimes clumsy.", "Mom!" shouted the older son with an embarrased noise. Jungkook grinned but nodded. 

"He's in good hands, don't worry, Mrs. Kim," said the brown haired, a polite smile now on his lips. The mother returned the smile and let her son go. "Call me when you're in Greece. And I want pictures.", "Of course."


The ride to the airport was uneventful. Namjoon slept, listened to music and sometimes looked at Jungkook who was busy talking to their chauffeur. Yes a chauffeur, thanks to the younger.

After the check-in it was pretty boring for Namjoon and he was tired again. The omega would always get a bit clingy when he was tired but couldn't sleep. That's why he tried to nuzzle at Jungkook's neck but it was hard when the alpha didn't want to be affectionate. They both sat at two chairs, there were barely people around them yet.

"L-Let me smell you," whined the brunette as he tried again to hide his face in Jungkook's neck. The alpha rolled his eyes playfully. "That's a pretty intimate gesture, isn't it?" asked Jungkook, his fingers accidentally running through Namjoon's hair. 

The omega shook his head with a pouting face. "Alpha, pretty please." Said one preened at the name with an approving look but stopped as soon as he realized hat. Namjoon knew that the other was close to giving in. 

"You can't pull the 'alpha' card, it's not fair for my confused wolf," muttered Jungkook but gave Namjoon finally the access to scent him.

When the fuck did we get so close?, questioned the alpha silently, kinda enjoying how Namjoon left his scent on him. It was a weird situation, being so close with another wolf. Hell, Jungkook was hardly that close with one of his pack members. 

Scenting. Something to calm your nerves or the nerves from someone else. Sometimes used to be possessive or to feel close to this person. Why the fuck does Namjoon want to scent me?

A sudden wave of protectiveness hit the alpha and he had to stop himself from growling. This meant nothing. Jungkook's inner wolf was surely just sensitive because his birthday was soon. Nothing more. Hormones, right?

The brown haired sighed at the confusing feelings and just enjoyed Namjoon's apple scent all over him. It was truly calming and made him a bit sleepy but he couldn't fall asleep now. Their flight would start soon. 

So Jungkook relaxed, hearing soft snores coming from Namjoon whose head still laid in the alpha's neck. They sat like this for another half an hour till they had to get ready. Jungkook shook the older awake and they stood up to get into the airplane.

Being inside of the big airplane scared the omega a bit. As soon as he heard that the plane takes off soon, Namjoon griped Jungkook's hand. 

The younger raised his eyebrows as response. "I'm a bit scared, okay? Just h-holy my hand for the start, please?!" begged Namjoon and whined. "Alpha please," he whispered then, enjoying to see the other blush.

Namjoon never thought he would ever call him 'alpha' in direct conversation again but if Jungkook was so weak for it he couldn't let this opportunity miss. Maybe it seemed selfish but Namjoon would rather use this against the other instead of wetting his pants. 

Jungkook rolled his eyes but didn't try to remove his hand from Namjoon's grip. "Fine, if that makes you happy, omega." The younger grinned smugly as he saw the reaction. The older widened his eyes and his ears turned red. Jungkook could even feel how Namjoon grabbed him a bit tighter and the apple scent was a little bit sweeter.

Neither of them said something as the plane started. Jungkook glanced at the older who looked out of the window. Jungkook thought it would be nice for the other to have the first flight sitting at an window place. Namjoon smiled a bit because the adrenaline in his stomach felt incredible good but he was still a bit scared. 

"Jungkook?", asked the omega after a few hours of flying, their flight would soon have a stopover. "Yes?" mumbled Jungkook who tried to sleep. It was quiet for a second until Namjoon spoke up, "Thank you. I mean, for doing this. You didn't have to. I know a simple thank you is not enough because you paid a lot of money. I know you're rich and everything but that doesn't mean you had to pay for me."

The alpha looked a bit surprised and blinked a few times to register the words. "I asked you to come with me, it's no problem. You didn't have to say yes but still you did."

Jungkook really wanted to say 'I just didn't want to hurt my pride." but something told him this wasn't right. A weird situation for him again. If his parents didn't insist that he should go on vacation with someone special he wouldn't even be here. 

"I'm bored," sighed Namjoon and looked with a bored expression to the younger. "We're landing soon. We'll eat something and I don't know, I never flied so long and never did a stopover.", "How long do we have to fly by the way?" questioned the brunette with a tired smile. Jungkook yawned and replied, "A bit over thirty hours."

The omega sighed and closed his eyes. Great. Over thirty hours with an alpha who looks good and has a wonderful scent, thought Namjoon. Not to forget that they barely know each other.


The rest of the whole flight wasn't awful, but being so long in a plane with your crush and nowhere else to go was a bit nerve-wracking. It was so boring too. Namjoon couldn't sleep so much and stared rather out of the window or at Jungkook. You couldn't blame him, Jungkook all in black?! Yeah, no way he didn't stare. 

When they were finally in the bus to drive to their hotel, Namjoon could hardly keep his eyes open. Jungkook frowned as he felt a weight on his shoulder and wanted to complain until he saw the peaceful expression of the brunette. 

It was hard for both of them. Being together over 24 hours was hard, but Jungkook had the feeling they got closer and he didn't know how to feel about this.

Of course, his inner wolf was happy. Maybe even overjoyed. But Jungkook's human half was unsure. What if he'll fall in love with Namjoon? His birthday is in less than two months and he could find his mate. Being close with another omega, who wasn't in his pack, was okay, right? What should happen between them anyway? They could end up as friends, that's it. Why does he even think about falling in love with the other? That would never happen. At least that's what Jungkook thought. 


Namjoon isn't a crying mess at the moment because he deserves a bit happiness for now, right? :)

That was a bit longer chapter, hope you enjoyed <3

AND THANK YOU FOR 1K LIKES, OMG. This really means a loooot 🥺

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