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Damn, already 50 chapters and they're still not a couple lMaOOo


Haneul disappeared after the conversation, clearly upset and humilated. Namjoon really wanted to go check on him, but Jungkook laid his around the omega's waist. "You didn't want to go after him, did you? He was disrespectful towards me, I'll make sure he gets punished," grumbled the younger and tightened his grip.

Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows, his mouth stood a bit open due to shock. "Jungkook no! You won't punish him. I know he shouldn't have talked like that but still, you won't do anything. That you even think about punishing someone is disgusting. He probably regrets it already," protested the blonde haired.

Jungkook snarled, "Are you giving me orders, omega?" This made Namjoon gulp, his cheeks reddened when he realized that more people were looking at them. Just as Namjoon wanted to shook his head, he catched the eyes of Misook. She was only smiling a bit and nodded reassuringly.

Namjoon exhaled once, before he answered, "Yes I am." It took Junkook by surprise, he didn't expect this answer from Namjoon. He raised his brows, not knowing what to say now. "If you want me to forgive you a bit, you won't punish him," smiled the omega innocently. He knew it wasn't right to manipulate the other like that, but Haneul didn't deserve to get hurt in any way.

Jungkook grunted and hung hts head low, showing his defeat. "Fine," he pouted and stared at his omega. Namjoon giggled and put his hands on Jungkook's cheeks, squishing them. "Don't pout, alpha. It's not a big deal," grinned the older happily.

"For you it isn't," sighed the alpha but smiled at Namjoon's affection. Before their conversation could go further, someone cleared their throat. "Son, the evening isn't over yet. You still have to choose someone who will lead next to you and help with your decisons," spoke Sungho and nodded to the podium.

The pack alpha bowed bit and followed his father, throwing one last glance to Namjoon. The omega only looked back and then made his way to the luna. "I guess we won't see you at the podium tonight?!" questioned Misook and tilted her head.

Namjoon shook his head amused "Definitely not. If things are 100 percent good between Jungkook and me, maybe? It's kinda a hard decision. You can stay the pack luna," shrugged the younger omega and scratched his neck.

Misook laughed quietly, "Don't worry. I already told you I will help you." Namjoon hummed and turned his attention the podium, Sungho was talking apparently and he made sure to listen.

"-sure you thought about it enough. Who will you choose?" asked Sungho, everyone waited for Jungkook's answer.

The black haired looked through the crowd once again, trying to find this special person. Finally, he found the person he was looking for, his bunny smile on display. "Jin Hyung!" he exclaimed, his eyes lit up.

The other alpha cooed quietly at happy expression from Jungkook and walked to the podium, a few wolves he passed bowed to him. Jungkook hugged Jin as soon as he stood next to him.

"Jin Hyung was always there for me. Surely I can say, he's like a brother to me. He gave me strength when I needed it, scolded me and well... loved me. Brotherly love, of course," started Jungkook, a blush spreading on his cheeks while some chuckled.

"We are friends since many years and you really helped me to heal. I wouldn't stand here if I hadn't have Jin Hyung. I'm really bad with words, but I adore Jin Hyung. Even if we tease each other a lot sometimes, he's the best Hyung I could wish for. Thank you for enduring and raising me," finished the pack alpha and gave Jin a tight hug.

Sungho hummed and laid his hands on each men's shoulder. "I am glad to hear about this decision. Jin is a great alpha who will surely mate with a beautiful omega one day. You will be a great second leader in command."

The crowd cheered a few seconds before the former pack alpha silenced them. "Jin, I still have to ask you certain questions. Will you help Jungkook making decisions that are the best for the pack? Die for it if necessary? Will you take the lead if my son is away or if he's not able to do so?" questioned Sungho and waited for an answer.

It didn't even take three seconds and Jin was already exclaiming, "Yes I will!" Howls and cheers errupted, accepting the second leader immediately. It was actually clear that Jin would be chosen.

Jungkook went back to Namjoon, his arm laid around the other's waist protectively again. Misook gave her son a little kiss, a proud grin on her face. "My little baby is now an adult, I can't believe it. You even found your gorgeous mate who's absolutely wonderful. He'll be good for you," said the mother and had actually tears in her eyes.

"Mom~," whined the alpha and coughed a few times to cover his embarrassment. "What? Just saying the truth, my little cute puppy. Yes you're my baby, you always will be," sighed Misook and squeezed Jungkook's cheeks.

The black haired shook his head to get the hands away and turned his attention to Namjoon. "Are you hungry? I killed the deer for you, we can eat it together," suggested Jungkook and cleared his throat.

Namjoon was indeed very hungry and wouldn't say no to such a meal. And even if he wasn't hungry, he couldn't say no to Jungkook's doe eyes. So he only nodded and smiled, walking towards the deer with Jungkook and transforming in their wolf form.

They stood close to each other, eating the flesh and ignored most of the other wolves who watched them. Namjoon would probably stay a few more days here because Jungkook didn't seem to let him go anytime soon.

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