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I'm kinda scared I won't upload in the future because I only have 1 draft left and it's not even finished. School starts in a week and a few weeks later my exam phase again.. I will try though.

Anygays, I love you and hope you have a great day/night


Namjoon was smaller than Jungkook but he could easily run next to the alpha's side. He would show everyone that he's not a weak and slow omega. Namjoon was so much more than people saw in him. 

They heard the pack howl in the background and Namjoon didn't want to admit it, but it was exciting and really thrilling to run with Jungkook at the front. At the hill, they finally came to a stop. 

Jungkook stood at the edge, looking up at the full moon and started to howl. Slowly, the other wolfs started to arrive and howled with him. The new alpha glanced to Namjoon and tilted his head. 

Namjoon didn't feel like he belonged here. He wasn't in their pack, why did he think it was a good idea to run with Jungkook? 

A soft bump from the side turned his attention to the alpha. Puppy-like eyes looking at him expectedly. The dark brown fur shimmered beautiful under the moon light. Jungkook was really heavenly. 

The younger nudged Namjoon again and howled for a few seconds before looking at the omega again. What? He doesn't expect me to howl, does he? wondered the white wolf and laid down. 

He let out a huff as he felt a weight over his back and he swore he could see a grin on Jungkook's face. The omega growled quietly and tried to get the alpha off his back. He's heavy.

Jungkook stood up and rubbed his head on Namjoon's shoulder. Wait, since when is he so cute? Oh luna, thought the omega and tried not to panic. Why was Jungkook adorable now? It wasn't fair that someone could be so cute.

Namjoon took a few steps back and Jungkook started to howl with his pack again. The older wasn't sure but tried to do the same quietly. Jungkook glanced at him and nodded, eyes showing full support. Namjoon could howl and no one would judge him for it even though he wasn't part of the pack. Jungkook was there.


The way back, Namjoon walked a bit behind the crowd. Everyone was in their human form now, wanting to be as close to the new pack alpha as possible. 

Th omega watched the scene with a little smile, all the people appreciating Jungkook was really sweet to watch. 

"Hey." Namjoon was surprised to see someone approaching him looking this good. The other one was a beta, had red hair, hazel eyes and a genuinely pretty smile. "O-Oh hi," answered the omega shyly and felt his cheeks getting hotter. 

"You're Namjoon, right?" asked the foreign wolf, Namjoon could only nod. "Nice to meet you, I'm Haneul!" exclaimed the red-haired enthusiastically, making the omega giggle quietly. 

They stared at each other a few minutes before Haneul muttered something that Namjoon didn't understand. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch what you said. R-Repeat please?" he asked shyly, swallowing heavily.

"I said you are really beautiful," repeated the other, his cheeks blushing now. Namjoon's eyes widened and he hid his face behind his hands. "Cute," mumbled Haneul, the omega whined in response. "Stop, I'm not!"

Namjoon couldn't hide a little giggle, the beta sighing and putting a hand over his left chest. "You're so cute, it could kill me!" The blonde male started to laugh now, trying to hide his mouth behind his hands. 

"Why are you covering your face the whole time? You don't have to be insecure, Namjoon-ah," said Haneul with a frown. "Uhm, t-thank you," stuttered Namjoon, feeling his ears getting hot too.

"Wait, are you older than me?" wondered the omega and looked surprised, his mouth in an 'o' shape. Haneul smiled and nodded. "I am 25, I hope it doesn't make you uncomfortable," chuckled the older and scratched the back of his head abashed.

Namjoon shook his head quickly and smiled, "No, don't worry. It's just a few years." Haneul smiled back and both started a new conversation, not knowing that one pair of eyes was watching them the whole time. 


Jungkook threw a big deer in front of Namjoon who was currently talking with Haneul over random things. The older looked up and raised his eyebrows, blinking a few times. "Huh?" 

"My present for you, omega," spoke Jungkook and Namjoon furrowed his brows. Jungkook didn't use this name since weeks. "Y-You caught a deer for me?" questioned Namjoon, still not understanding the situation completely. 

Jungkook narrowed his eyes as he saw Haneul laying a hand over Namjoon's shoulder, a low grumble leaving Jungkook's mouth. "Stop touching my omega," he warned, not liking how Namjoon didn't even protest to this action.

Haneul smirked and laughed sarcastically, "Your omega? The last time I checked he was still single." Yep, Jungkook wanted to punch the smirk out of the beta's face.

"He is my mate," growled the younger, catching the attention of other pack members. Namjoon gulped, he didn't want them to fight because of him. "Guys come on," he tried, but his words fell on deaf ears.

Haneul stood up and huffed, "You think killing a deer for him is something great?" Namjoon didn't dare to say that he actually felt honored. But his inner omega begged him to say something, standing up for his mate. 

"I think you should back the fuck off. Being all nice to him now but he'll choose me over you in just a second," snarled Jungkook and crossed his arms, muscles twitching now and then. Namjoon exhaled strongly, pheromones started to cloud his head. 

"You know, Namjoon deserves someone who treats him nicely and you'll never be able to make him happy. He-", "Enough! Haneul, I like you, but besides the fact that Jungkook is my mate, he is your pack alpha in the first place. Show some respect," interrupted Namjoon and stood between the two wolfs.

"I'm just saying the truth!" yelled the beta defensively. "It's none of your business, now stop. I'm the one who decides if Jungkook makes me happy or not, not you," replied the blonde-haired and shook his head. 

Something about Haneul talking like that about Jungkook didn't sit right with him. Namjoon turned his attention to the alpha who had a joyful smile laying on his lips, eyes shining brightly. 

Namjoon hesitated for a few seconds but spoke up, "And thank you for hunting this present for me, I'm glad." Jungkook grinned proudly and looked around to find his mother, wanting to know if she heard those words. Namjoon is glad!, thought the alpha happily.

"Ah shit, he caught a whole deer instead of a mouse."


I don't know if I like it but that's nothing new :D

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