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Not me almost forgetting to update the story today 🌚


"I can understand now, why he hates it. I'm so sorry for your loss and can't explain how bad I feel for you. But... Jungkook hurt me, he basically rejected me," mumbled the boy and fiddled with his hands. 

Misook nodded, "You don't have to forgive him. He will apologize but deep down he didn't mean it. He's just a confused pup. He's trying to protect himself, not caring if it sounds harsh." Namjoon only grimaced. He had a lot of sympathy for the young alpha, really. For what Jungkook said though, he had barely understanding.

"Jin helped him with that, you know? Jungkook was way harsher years ago. Jin is like a brother for him now, showing how he should do things and how to handle certain situations," explained the mother. 

Namjoon hummed with a little smile. Jin would really fit into this 'older brother' role. "I think it's good Jungkook has Jin as a 'brother'. They seem like they mostly mock each other but I know they have a special relationship," admitted the omega and went with his hand through his hair.

Misook grinned and agreed, "Exactly! Jin gave him the love that my son has lost as a pup. A brotherly love helped him to heal, not completely but a lot. And I think you can help my son moving on and to heal even more."

Namjoon choked on his spit, his eyes widened. "Me?! No, no! I can't do anything," he laughed sarcastically and scratched his neck. "Namjoon, I have faith in you," spoke the luna, it startled the younger a bit.

"How about this? The cerenomy is soon and you'll be there too if you want. But before, we will talk to Jungkook. My son won't be the pack alpha if he can't solve things between his own mate and him," suggested Misook and raised her brow.

The omega really wanted to deny but he couldn't. The luna was only nice to him the whole time and even trusted him with her sad story. He sighed, his shoulders felt really tense but that didn't matter right now.

"Let's go downstairs. It's better if we talk now," said the older wolf and stood up, her bones cracking a bit. "Ah you heard that? I'm getting so old," whined Misook and made Namjoon giggle. A soft smile plastered on her face and the tense mood vanished.

Both made their way down and met the young alpha in the kitchen, a banana in his hand. Jungkook looked surprised as he saw the two wolfs entering the room. He was a bit ashamed to see Namjoon again. 

The younger just wanted to leave the kitchen but hearing his mother clear her throat made him stop in his tracks. 

"You two need to talk and I'll be here too to put you back in your place if you should be disrespectful. So be careful what you say," warned Misook and lifted her index finger. 

Jungkook rolled his eyes though his mother slapped him on his occiput. "What was that for?" he yelped and had the urge to roll his eyes again.

His mother didn't answer and only smiled sweetly. "I don't know why we need to talk. Namjoon and I don't need each other, right?" The smack on his head made him yelp again. He winced and rubbed the sore spot.

"Jeon Jungkook!" Uh oh. "I have enough of you hurting this poor omega! He deserves respect and I'm so disappointed in you. He is your mate and you were the one who didn't want to let him go! I didn't raise you for 19 years so you would treat your soulmate like this! Enough. You will apologize and treat him like a prince. Did you understand, young man?!"

"But Mom-", "No. If you want to be a leader you can't be so childish! Mates are wonderful and you want to tell me you have the right to treat him like this? You're supposed to protect him and make him happy. If you can't do this then you'll become a pack leader when I die. Understood?" Her veins popped out at the side of her head and her brown eyes showed how furious she was.

Jungkook cowered back and nodded quickly. His mother was scary when she was angry. Namjoon just stood at the side and gulped. He couldn't deny though that it made him happy how the luna stood up for him.

Misook sighed and massaged her temples. "Kookie baby, he knows." This was all it took to make the alpha understand. His eyes shot to Namjoon who felt suddenly shy under the alpha's gaze.

Jungkook was quiet for minutes but then he just shook his head and took a step towards his omega. He fell on his knees and grabbed Namjoon's hand. The latter was definitely surprised. Jungkook was on his knees? That must be a dream.

"Namjoon Hyung," mumbled the alpha shyly and didn't dare to look up. He would have seen how Namjoon's eyes almost fell out. This was the first time Jungkook called him 'Hyung'.

"I'm not able to tell you why I said those things. I didn't have a reason. I'm an asshole and dumb, I know that, but I don't like to admit it. I felt hurt because you ran away! You were the one who made me feel rejected. My inner voice made me stressed even more, telling me I can't be enough for my mate. I'm deeply sorry and I'm sorry I'm your mate. You deserve someone who is not childish and treats you with love and respect. You deserve it the most," Jungkook whispered, close to crying.

He didn't know what he should do. This wasn't enough. He would let Namjoon go if he had to. Just so the older could get happy. Jungkook knew he wasn't the right even though he was Namjoon's mate.

The older boy squeezed Jungkook's hand, making the latter look up. Namjoon smiled sadly and shook his head. "You're right, I forgive too easily but you deserve a new chance. I accept your apology. We're both not perfect and make mistakes but we'll learn to handle the problems," whispered Namjoon and Jungkook's face lit up.

"But I can't act like everything is fine now. Did you even realize how much you've hurt me? I'm in so much pain mentally. You have to earn my full forgiveness," added the omega unsurely with a timid posture.

The alpha nodded and swallowed. Of course it wouldn't be easy. "Namjoon, I thank you so much. The fact that you give me another chance makes me so happy!" It almost sounded like a cry but nor Namjoon nor Misook said anything. Showing his emotions was rare but Jungkook couldn't fight the happy tears streaming down his face.

Namjoon giggled and helped Jungkook up. The younger wiped his tears away but sniffed a bit. Maybe things could work between them.


I'm not sure if you're okay with this chapter. Perhaps Namjoon could've been harsher but that wouldn't be him. I know some probably expected Namjoon to be dismissive but that's not how he is in this story, sorry :(

I'm not happy with the chapter, maybe I'll rewrite it

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