The Great Storm

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Announcement!! I am doing a major rewrite because some things are not logical, and don't go well with the spin-off I am currently writing.
There will be some chapters that will have new stuff, so check it out!! Without further ado, Let's hope you like it!
Have a lovely day/night.

"Aliara!" Disembodied voices screamed

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"Aliara!" Disembodied voices screamed. I didn't see their faces but I saw so many people in their suits. It was so familiar and so foreign at the same time. They kept screaming the girl's name, crying and trying to get to her. But something kept them from reaching her... They were in a bubble that kept them from interrupting whatever the girl was doing. Then I saw a big titan... Thanos... He looked at the girl with fear and then I felt a horrible pain in my stomach. The girl stabbed herself with an ancient dagger. When she fell to the ground I saw them trying to get to her... And all she could do was lay in what I suppose is her sister's arms. She was unable to move and look at the people she always cared for so much. "The chamber... Find it and you'll know..." she said. Her voice was weak and raspy. Then I felt nothing... Darkness engulfed me. There was no pain, no fear... Nothing... Just me and the voices of those that cared about me at some point. Who were these people? What year was it?

"Wake up" I heard a soft voice in my room. "Anya, it's time to greet the day" I opened my eyes and found myself in my room in Scotland. The voice in my room belonged to my sister who, as always, woke me up. She climbed on my bed and hugged me tightly. "You had this dream again?" She asked with sympathy. My older sister, Corin and my younger brother Brian knew everything about me and my dreams. Since I was found by this family... Well, mom is a nurse, so when I was found by the police, unconscious, they took me to a hospital, where the nurses took care of me and because I had nowhere to go, Shea - now my mom, adopted me and took care of me with her husband - Charles and my siblings. They are lovely people, but I think they don't say everything to me... "Yeah... It's strange, every time it's showing me a bit more... But I still am left confused...." I said, scratching my head and slowly getting up. I passed by my mirror and looked at the marks on my body. They were soul marks, well that's what my parents told me. Soul mates don't really exist on Earth which means that either I'm mated to aliens... Or that I am the alien... Basically, I'm a freak and the kids at school were making sure I remember that...
"Maybe you should travel? Maybe there is something you forgot?" Corin asked laying in the bed and looking at me carefully. I crossed my arms and turned to her with a frown. "You know something, don't you?" My Scottish accent was very heavy especially when I'm starting to be angry. "Listen, it's just an idea. I mean maybe it's something about your life before you ended up here?" She said trying to run away with her gaze. "Girls, are you decent?" My brother asked, knocking on the door. I opened them with my powers and let him in. His baby blue eyes were scanning the area and a confused look made its way on his face, as he saw an angry me and my sister who tried to look away from me."Um... Ok... Mom and dad want to talk to you, Anya... And um... I am very sorry... We all are..." He said with a sad smile. He hugged me and then I left my room confused and a bit angry. My parents sat in the living room talking in hushed voices but being part vampire, I could hear them from the stairs. "Do you think she will hate us? I mean we had to lie to her because it was too dangerous, but what if she won't talk to us again? Or... Worse?!" Shea asked in her soft voice but with a strong accent. I felt her fear and guilt and I didn't like it. There was something big and I was scared to discover it even though I knew that they were hiding something from me. But am I ready to know the truth? I took a deep breath and walked in with a fake smile.
"What is it?" I asked and sat down on the armchair and looked at them patiently waiting for answers. They looked at each other with sad smiles and then said those words, I was so afraid to hear... "Your true name is Aliara..." Charles started unsurely. He looked at me but I kept a blank face. Inside, however, I was so lost. I wanted to scream and cry. Ask the Universe, why?! I had a perfect life! "When the police found you, they knew who you were... We all knew. But when you woke up saying that you didn't remember anything, we knew that we had to protect you. We hid everything about your old life because the doctor said it could be too big a trauma for you. So we did what we had to. And trust us... This was very hard..." Shea said with tears in her eyes. I wasn't mad at them... But then again, I was lost all my life... "Who am I?" I asked calmly. If it wasn't serious, I would say that the calm in my voice was scarier than Thanos himself. "Aliara - Altaïra - Bellianna Ibn'lAhad... You are not seventeen, but a lot older... You lived through every single century, you helped create us... Humans, Planets and so much more. You helped a hidden community called The Assassins and you were one of the bosses with your brothers Altaïr and sometime later with Shay. You are One of The Gods... The Savior of the Galaxy." Charles answered looking at me sadly but with pride in his eyes. A wave of memories run through my mind and suddenly I remembered my old life... Well... Not really... I only remembered the early days of my life.
"Where can I find my mates?" I asked pointing at my wrist and collarbone that had some marks alongside the scars... "The Avengers, honey... They are your mates..." Shea said and walked up to me. She kneeled to be on my level and she took my hand in hers. "No matter who you are, with whom you are... We will always love you, you will always be welcome to stay, or go. Be mad at us or forgive us... But we will always love you" She said. By then I had tears in my eyes. I hugged the woman and man that were in my life as parents and cried like there was no tomorrow. I felt two more pairs of arms around me and I knew that my siblings were with me. I broke the hug and smiled at them "I couldn't be mad at a family that cared about me more than I could care about myself" I said and they smiled at me. "Well, we thought that... It'll be best if we bought an apartment in New York, near the Avengers Tower so we are going there tonight." Charlie said showing us the tickets. "What about my school? Am I free?!" Brian asked with hope in his eyes. Although I knew that he liked science and everything that was about technology. "No, young man, there is no need to feel down... Ahem... A dad joke... Not good..." We laughed at that as he continued to talk. "You will go to a very nice Science school and since I know that Corin loves fashion, I think I have a job just for her..." Charlie announced. We looked at him with curiosity and a smile "Aliara told me once that she would love to sing... How about I will be your sister's manager, Brian you will do the technical stuff, Corin you'll be Aliara's designer as your mom will do her hair and make-up. How do you like it?" My eyes winded at that. I was too afraid to ask them to be a part of my dream, but in the end, I never really asked them to know if they agreed to it. We all hugged our parents, thanking them millions of times. It'll be a great new start!...

How wrong I was.....

The Avengers

"Daddies! When will A... Mommy come back?" a four-year-old Lisa asked everyone in the common living room, where they all spent time. They all looked incredibly sad and Mathilde (Matilda, Aliara's biological little sister) took the girl from Steve's lap and hugged her tightly. "What if I told you, that mommy is doing something very important and very special?" She said trying to stop the tears from falling. "She misses you and your siblings, but you need to give her time. She'll come back when the time is right." She said wisely but tried to cover up the fact that she will never come back... "Is she in danger?! Where is she?! Can I help her?!" Lisa started firing questions. She was so like her mother. So innocent but so curious as well as fragile. It scared the Avengers because once she'll learns that mommy is not coming back, she will break... "Mommy is in a good place, Little Fox. All you have to do is think about her, that's the best way to help her now." Mathilde continued, sparing a glance at her sister's soul mates. Tony and Logan were drinking, Steve and Bucky were lost in thought, denial in their eyes, Bruce was holding the baby, that was born not long before the war... It was Aliara's last son that she gave birth to... he was a month old... And his name was Quinlan. Clint sat with Peter Quill and Gamora on the second sofa, trying not to break something. While Loki, Stephen and Thor tried to read books. Finally, Wanda, Pietro, Scott and T'Challa were trying to play with the five-year-old twins - Helena and Hugo and the six years old boy - Leander. The rest of the kids were either sleeping or were with their grandparents in Ireland. "OK..." Lisa yawned and the little ones followed her suit. "Come, my dears, it's time to join your siblings." Stephen said, closing the book and taking Lisa in his arms, while the twins took the little twins and Bruce with Steve took Little Aliaren and Leander to sleep. Everyone was kissed on the cheek and the living room became quiet..."We can't keep lying to them..." Tony said, putting a hand on his face. "What do you think we're gonna say? Oh, mommy is dead because she sacrificed herself for you to live in a peaceful world?! That's not right, they'll think it's their fault, which Is not" Natasha said trying not to scream from the agony of losing their soulmate. "They start to ask a lot of questions... Especially Lisa if there is one thing we can do is to try... Give hints..." Mathilde said, getting up and looking out the window. She saw her sons - Peter and Miles in their Spiderman suits, coming back to the tower. She smiled sadly, knowing that they had the same situation... Their fathers died... And it was agony for her to try and mask the fact that daddies are not coming back... They know now that they are dead... But it was hard... "And how about we..." Peter was interrupted by bright lightning followed by thunder. "Thor, Goddamit!" Tony yelled at the God of thunder. "I swear it was not me!" Thor said confused. All of them watched out the window. The ones that were gone now came back with confused faces. A huge storm started. One that was never seen in New York. Red and violet lighting bolts were violently hitting random buildings. "It appears, that someone is communicating with us" Vision came into the room and looked at his friends/family. "How do you know?" Bucky asked as he looked at the soul mark on his left arm that Aliara "give back". She reversed the injuries and pain and loss that any and every one of them had. "Do you know someone named Anya McLoughlin?" Peter and Miles came into the room before Vision could answer. "We're in the middle of something, kid," Scott said, turning to the boys. Mathilde looked at her sons and frowned. McLoughlin was the name of the adoptive family of her brother Seàn... She knew them very well. They were very lovely, but there was no one named Anya. "Wait... Where did you hear this name?" The boys' mother asked them softly. "At school, the girl said that there is a new family from Scotland that had adopted a girl that was found two days after the Thanos problem. She didn't know her name nor her age... Nothing, so they called her Anya and now they are coming to live here in New York." Peter said and Miles made his way towards the sofa. "Look, maybe it has something to do with the kids not ageing because Quinn is still a month old even though it's been two years! Besides, I think that we should look for Clark. He can help us, plus he is also Aliara's soulmate" Miles said... They all looked at each other and had small but sad smiles. "We will try to find something about this family but I think I can speak for all of us when I say, that we will not have our hopes up yet... Whatever it'll be, the time will show. Guys, look for Superman, tell him that we have something on Aliara." Tony said and left the room, probably starting to do his research. The rest was quiet but there was hope in their eyes. And the tension in the room was slowly fading. After saying goodnight, they all went to sleep, thinking that maybe Fate will grant their wish...

The Six Rulers | Book One Of The Six Rulers SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now