|2||6| Punished

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Again! Warnings first mention of abuse, physical and mental, and torture.

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Third pov

Shiyoko sat in the corner of a room, trembling. Her body was soaking wet and although she could dry herself easily she wasn't in the right state of mind to do it. So she sat, trembling, heart pounding, and terrified of what transpired just two or three hours ago.

The day was going normal at first, woke up, spend time with Eri, separate for training, but things took a wrong turn there. Hakusho tried taunting her about a family she couldn't remember. And though she couldn't remember them she still got angry. So much so in fact that she released more power than she thought she had. She destroyed the entire room and Hakusho still kept pushing.

He laughed saying how 'he' will never come and find her, how 'they' never loved her. How 'they' were weak. And honestly Shiyoko really didn't know who, he or they, were but still she felt as if they were important people in her life and that she should defend them, so that's what she did.

The two fought to the point where they ignored when Overhaul entered the room, we'll Hakusho did, Shiyoko didn't see him and he was angry. They had destroyed the room and made a huge mess which he would have to clean. Not taking their shit for even a second Overhaul released killing intent that made Shiyoko freeze.

The room morphed and pikes pierced right throughout her entire body, lucky for her she saw the same for Hakusho, but he even had pikes through his head. She couldn't talk... couldn't move... all she could do was cry.

Cry as she chocked on blood and was released so her body would drop to the floor. Overhaul approached her watching as she bleed out with disgust in his eyes. He made sure to place his gloves on before he bent and lifted her by her hair, adding onto the pain.

"I should leave you to die...it'll save me all this trouble..." he sighed heavily dropping her carelessly to the floor increasing the pain and causing black dots in her vision. "But I need you alive." And with that he turned thrusting his hand in her face. Making that the last thing she saw.

+_+ +_+ +_+

That was how Shiyoko woke up in a room trembling, wet and terrified. The room had no windows and one sole door, made of stone. At first she cried and banged on the door to be let out. The door handle was in reach but she couldn't turn it. It was Overhauls twisted way of telling her only from the outside can she get out.

"You and Eri are no longer to be with each other outside experiments. I'll only come when I need you." Overhaul stated as he walked passed the room, his voice echoing around the empty room.

Shiyoko sniffled trying to curl up more into herself. She was alone with racing horrified thoughts of what could be going wrong with Eri all alone with the sadist that Overhaul brought. He liked to train Eri, trying to see if he could draw out more of her power and Shiyoko would always try to keep her attention on her. It worked especially when she was trying to change her body mass.

He was so fascinated by it cause it would be a big step in his plans so he focused on her. Sometimes Eri would try to take some attention away, which also worked but now that they were separated Eri might go back to being her old quiet and terrified self.

Shiyoko didn't want that, she loved seeing the older girl smile. Her eyes would gleam in a new light causing the red in her eyes to shine in a bright way, sometimes it was as if the sun was in the room. Eri felt the same about Shiyoko. When she smiled and her eyes lit up, it was like watching the glowing sky. They both truly missed each other.

+_+ +_+ +_+

Shiyoko held tightly to Eri before being dragged back to her prison but when she was thrown in it arms wrapped around her. Immediately she panicked activating her quirk and causing a whirlpool to push away and block the person from touching her. Her heart was racing as she panted trying to see who it was through the darkness.

She saw the hand of the person appear again increasing her panic.

"No no! Stay away!" Water shot out pushing the person away but they faught back trying to push themselves through the water. Shiyoko sunk to her knees crying and doing everything her panicked mind could think of to keep the person from harming her.

Her breathing became uneven, her sight blurred together and her head was pounding so much that it was all she could hear. Her covered her ears crying and begging for them to stay away. Hand promptly grabbed onto her own forcing them off her ears so she could hear them

"Gomen gomen!! I didn't mean to scare you...It's me, you're okay...breathe Shiyoko. Deep breaths..." they gently spoke in a worried but firm tone of voice.

Recognizing the voice Shiyoko opened her eyes and looked up. Water glowed around them illuminating the person sitting in front of her. Yoshito. Yoshito looked as if he was just ganged up on and beaten severely by seven or so men. Still through bleeding lips he gave her a soft smile just glad he could see her again.

It has been a week afterall.

Shiyoko's lips quivered but she was still stuck in place so he moved instead gently wrapping his arms around her to give her a hug.

"Gomen... I really didn't mean to frighten you..." he soothed her passing his hands gently though her hair.

"Onii-chan...why, why are...why are you here..?" Shiyoko asked softly.

"Ah...I got in a fight with Hakusho blaming him for what happened to you. Despite how I look I got a good couple of blows before they decided I should be punished and confined too." He smiled "I feel bad for leaving Eri-chan but I had to make sure you were okay." He pulled away lifting her chin up to get a better look at her.

Yoshito gave Shiyoko a once over to see if Overhaul was being an ass again and decided to leave her with open wounds. He didn't but all her scars showed so he dug into his pocket and pulled out bandages.

"I brought some bandages..." he gently began to wrap Shiyoko in bandages and by the end of it she had fallen asleep.

Yoshito sighed softly shifting so that Shiyoko now sat on his lap. He moved his hands the water following and glowing more than before making the room seem fully lit up. He turned his body into solid water absorbing all the surrounding water before bursting it out into a dome of sorts around them. Yoshito stood up walking more to the center of the room as the water dome followed. Once in the center his feet left the ground as he slowly closed his eyes.

He hugged Shiyoko closer to him and shifted into water himself. Slowly Shiyoko too began to turn into water. The dome changed into a bubble as the two floated in the middle of it. Yoshito kept a firm hold on Shiyoko watching as air bubbles left her mouth as she changed into solidified water.

That's right, Yoshito, once holding onto another person can change their body mass to match his own as well which means he can turn another person into water. The only other person who knew that was Hakusho, and it was honestly surprising the man hadn't given up that information to Overhaul yet.

He smirked. What Overhaul wouldn't do if he knew this... also tired of the days events he slowly drifted to sleep as well.


Isn't Yoshito adorable?

And how many of you would like an early update?

Ja ne!

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