Chapter Five

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Excuse any errors.


The Next Morning

I held my arms out and stretched before finally opening my eyes. I looked over and noticed that Kareem wasn't laying beside me. A small smile formed as I thought about last night.

The smell of breakfast hit my nose causing me to get up. I threw on my silk robe before walking out of the bedroom.

"You didn't have to make breakfast." I said sitting down at the table. Kareem was standing over the stove shirtless scrambling eggs.

"I wanted to do somethin nice, since ya baby daddy ruined it last night." He joked.

"The whole night wasn't ruined. You definitely made up for it."

"That's just the beginning." He smirked. I chuckled to myself as he placed the plate in front of me. There was a light knock on the door. I already knew it was Reign bringing Aiden back home.

"Hey mommy's baby!" I squealed as I picked Aiden up and kissed all on his face. "How was he?" I asked Reign as she walked inside.

"Perfect, as always. It smell good in here. You made me a pl-" She stopped in her tracks when she saw Kareem leaning against the counter. "Oh shit now." She said leaning against the other side of the counter. I knew she was about to say some off the wall shit. Kareem laughed to himself and looked up.

"Wasgood? You must be Reign."

"In the flesh. So she told you about me?"

"Yea, she talk about you sometimes."

"She tell you I fight niggas?"

"Reign!" I laughed as I placed Aiden in his high chair.

"What? You know I gotta give him the rundown. If you fuck with her, you fuck with me. Simple. Her and Aiden mean the world to me. Don't fuck it up."

"I wouldn't do that."

"Mmm." She said looking him up and down.

"Reem, will you give us a minute?" He nodded his head and kissed my cheek before heading out of the kitchen.

"Y'all fuckin?" She asked taking a seat at the table.

"Straight to the point huh?" I chuckled. "Last night was the first time."

"How was it?" I placed Aiden's food on the high chair before fixing her a plate.

"Better than Melo." I replied causing her to laugh. "But no seriously, it was good. I haven't been with someone in so long."

"You livin life bitch. Got him cookin for you and shit. What happened to not wanting to start anything?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I guess we gone see where shit go."

We talked for a little while longer before she left. I cleaned up the kitchen before heading into the room. Kareem was laying in the bed and Aiden was laying beside him playing in his beard. He looked like he was almost sleep.

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