Chapter Twenty-One

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Excuse any errors. Last chapter❤️


3 Weeks Later

"Reem called?" Reign asked as she sat on the couch feeding Nova a bottle.

"Yea, he called a few days after we got home. He was more concerned about Ryan being in the room than her." I shrugged. "He kept asking about work and how shit goin at the warehouse. That's all he care about seem like."

"I think he more concerned about us keeping thing afloat because that's what's takin care of y'all too, but he know me and Meech holdin shit down. Y'all good?"

"Shit been strange since the baby shower. He just keep sayin how he don't want me to wait on him. I don't get why he tryna push me into someone else."

"That's bullshit. You held him down since day one, he gone regret it later."

"It's whatever." I shrugged. "Imma just focus on the kids."

"What about visitation? You still gone visit him?"

"Yea, but I'm not taking the kids. I refuse to take my kids into that place. I was considering taking Aiden, but I changed my mind. That type of image gone stick with him forever."

"That's understandable. I know you tired of hearing it, but I'm here for you always."

"I know." I smiled.

Nova began to whine a little. I grabbed her from Reign and she instantly started to fall asleep.

Reign stuck around a few more hours before heading over to the warehouse. Business calls as usual. Aiden was on the other couch asleep. I took advantage of this time and rested my head back on the couch before eventually falling asleep also.



"Bro, this is some bullshit!" I yelled pushing a stack of crates over.

"Baby, calm down." Reign said placing her hand on my chest. I brushed it off before walking away.

The warehouse was raided again. They took everything. Supplies, product, weapons.

"I can't calm down man. They took everything from us. Everything! Reem put me in charge because he trusted me. How the fuck I'm supposed to explain this shit to him? Everything he fuckin worked for is gone. He put me in charge because he knew that I could handle shit."

I grabbed my phone and keys from the chair before out the door.

"Where you goin?" Reign asked following me outside.

"To see Reem." I hopped into my truck and quickly headed towards the jail. My heart was beating outta my damn chest when the gates opened.

Reem my boy don't get me wrong, but he the wrong mothafucka to fuck over. Especially when keeping the business afloat means taking care of MyAngel and the kids. I parked before hopping out and heading inside.

"Remove everything from your pockets. Remove belts, shoes, everything." The security guard yelled out. I felt like I was going through TSA.

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