Chapter Fourteen

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Excuse any errors.


I rushed into the hospital and up to the reception desk. I know me and Stacie ain't on the best of terms, but I hoped that her and the baby was straight. 

"What room Stacie Monroe in?" I asked the receptionist.

"They just sent her to room 603."

I nodded my head before thanking her and heading towards the elevator. I pressed the number 6 and pulled out my phone seeing if MyAngel had texted me. She hasn't and I know she's pissed that I had to leave but this was possibly my child and I had to make sure everything was good.

I knocked on the door before walking into the room. Stacie was hooked up to monitors and her sister was by her side holding her hand.

"Wow, look what the cat dragged in." Her sister said rolling her eyes.

"Don't start with me Saniyah." I warned her before walking over to the bed. "Wassup, how you feelin?" I asked Stacie. She took deep breaths before answering.

"I'm having contractions. He's coming today but it's too soon. What if something happens to him?" She said as tears began falling from her eyes.

"He gone be straight, ight? Don't think about what ifs. You gotta think positive."

"Oh, so you steppin up and being a man now?" Saniyah said butting in. "I'm shocked."

"Yo, what the hell is ya problem? If you gotta issue address it. Stop sayin slick shit. I'm here, ain't I?" I snapped.

Me and Saniyah ain't never got along either. She's hated me from the beginning. I think she feel a way that I chose Stacie over her but that's life. You don't always get what you want. If shorty still holding a grudge about some shit from so long ago, that's her damn problem.

There was a knock on the door and a nurse walked in.

"How you doin mama?" She asked walking over to the computer.

"The contractions are getting closer together." Stacie said.

"The baby gone be straight?" I asked.

"I'm assuming you're dad?" I just nodded my head. "It's kinda hard to tell right now. We have to wait and see how he does after she has him. Right now he doesn't seem in distress, but we have to keep monitoring him."

Stacie groaned loudly before grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

"How long until she can push?" Saniyah asked.

"She's not dilated enough. She's about four centimeters dilated right now, and she has to get to ten. I'll come back in about half an hour and check again okay? Hang in there. Your baby boy will be here any minute." She smiled patting my shoulder before walking out the room.

A Couple Hours Later

"It's about time for you to push, are you ready?" The doctor asked putting on gloves. Stacie nodded as tears fell from her eyes. She was scared that something was gonna go wrong with the baby. I had to keep assuring her that he would be okay. "Okay, lift your legs for me. On the count of three, push."

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