29 April 2020

23 2 0

"Wake up!" I hear vague callings. I look around. I find myself warm with a towel over me. Did I almost drown? Have we been to the beach?

"Wake up!"
The voice I can hear it now loud and clear in front of me. I feel shaken. My head aches and I shook awake. My eyes squint trying to get used to the light and I catch up on my breath.

"She is not ready yet, she needs more rest.", I feel a light prick in my arm.

I suddenly find myself in an infinite empty space. In the far distant I speculate to see a little glass garden house. I look up to the dark sky which is enlightened by the moon. As I make my way there I notice an old man with a big nose waving at me.

I am determined to ask him questions. But before I could do so, I already see him waving his finger at me and grinning mischievously. He looks around. I follow his example. By doing so I spot family members. They all look at me with empty eyes. The more I worry, the more sad they turn. One after another they appear and run out on the water reflecting the moon.

"Wait! I want to help!", I run after them, losing them in the mist that forms all around me out of the blue.

I slow down as I encounter a tree near me and I face it. While admiring it, I feel someone near.

"You like the tree, don't you?", I make out the old man's voice. "What would happen if I broke one of its branches?",  he asks. I gasp at that statement. "Or what if I let it live? How do you know for sure the tree will survive the test of time?", he asks.

I give him a puzzled look, even if he might not see it. Then it hits me. I know the answer. "I know that whatever happens to the tree, it can still be saved.", I say assured. "It's all about the roots. If those are strong, the tree survives, if not even better. It will develop and evolve. Or with other words said: grow. "

The old man disappears but I still hear a whisper: "Don't forget your roots anymore." I know what's waiting for me now.

This time I hear a softer voice: "Wake. Up." I wake up slowly. "You are stable now but you still need to rest. We have been able to treat you after the fight, but you were lucky to have finished your business before falling.

I take a deep breath and thank with a nod. I take a look on the window pane to spot a little bonsai.

"Well hello little friend.", I smile at the tree as I find myself alone in the hospital room.

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