24 May 2020

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As I walk through the town again I encounter family and relatives. I spend time with them too. They ask me to come visit them and stay over. I decide it wouldn't be a bad idea.

So I do for around 4 days I spend my time talking to elderly, catching up with family and I play around with the little kids. I help around with cooking and cleaning at my cousin her house.

After I spend time colouring with her I decide it's time to go home as I got word that it's safe again and clear to go back. Thus I pack my luggage and head out in town one last time before I go.

I meet up with Daisuke to say good bye before I go. He instead offers to walk me home.

I hold onto his arm firmly. "We're more than halfway through now.", I announce. I check up on him and break my concentration off the road. I see he is holding a rose. "Ooh, that's pretty!", I point at the rose. He looks at me surprised and panicked. "No! You weren't supposed to see it yet!", he tries to hide it again. "It was supposed to be a gift by when we would depart after we arrived.", he sighs. "Oh no, I'm sorry.", I apologise.

He gives it to me anyway. "It's alright, there you have it.", he smiles. "Awh, thank you.", I smile back gratefully.

As we keep walking I get an idea. "I have a surprise for you too.", I giggle. "Oh? What is it?", he asks curiously.

I pull him by his arm and rush near the destination. I stop and take the time to show him the view of the sky around my home. "I love living here because the sky is so open and usually it gives breathtaking views.", I show him around as if I'd be showing him the way to freedom. Despite the bad weather that caused grey clouds all over, the view was still good.

There and then we say farewells before departing each on their own way, waving at each other.

As I get home I put the rose in water to be able to plant it tomorrow. Right after that a wave of tiredness washes over me and I go to bed without even changing or unpacking.

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