4 November 2020

7 0 0

I pull my leather gloves off. I stare at my bare hands before making fists out of them.
I crack my knuckles and pull on the string of my bow. Holding it down I step forwards cautiously.

I look down at my feet. They're barely visible. The mist blocks my view of the far sight. The only thing visible is the glimmers of the moon shining through the dark forest.
I become aware of my heavy breathing. The warm breath from my mouth forms little clouds in the cold. My mind is restless. Thoughts swarm in the back of my head.

I hear a rustle and I turn towards the sudden sound. My mind goes blank. I concentrate. My breath settles to a controlled pace. I step towards the sound, making sure I do so quietly. As I do so, my eyes tear up. The drops form and fall. They end up in the mud next to a lotus flower from the mud pound I had arrived close to.

In the corner of my eye, I spot light. It seems like people are coming. They look like enemies. I step back and trip over a stone, I hit my head and fall into the mud. Unconsciously I sink deep down...

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