7 May 2020

20 2 0

I run. I run as much as my feet keep up with my wish of going home.
Escaping this big labyrinth is the only thing I wish for now.

I stop to catch my breath. In the corner of my eye, the moon shines through the curtains of the corridor. I pull them gently aside to behold the glorious full bright moon.

"Moon, I'm trapped in this bloody castle.", I vent. "Everywhere I set foot, I arrive in another corridor full of chambers. They all look the same. The frustration that I feel makes me angry.", I sigh.

I shake my head. "Anger is not good. It makes you stupid. And stupid gets you killed.", I rectificate. "I wouldn't prefer dying yet. And not even here out of all places, not like this.", I build up even more determination to escape.

I take a last peek at the moon: "Moon, I know I'm not alone on this path yet I feel to be so, sometimes. Maybe some of the stories I read about you, I wish to be true. Some direct guiding would be nice. However I understand this is the fight I must fight. Be it this way or any easier or harder one."

I choose one of the walls and trace my hand on it. I grit my teeth and I start running again for dear life.
I shiver at the feel of the cold walls.

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