3 May 2020

21 2 0

The big day is nearly over. With my pen I think and hover on the paper I search for specific words. "Hey, buddy, I'd like you to bring this to your old friend. I'm sure you'd like to visit him once again.", I poke the birds cheek. I firstly finish it.

Salve. Valuistine?

Paenitet me esse servanda expectantes vos
Sed alea iacta est
Semper ad meliora luctor et emergo
Omnia iam fient quae posse negabam
Tamen littera scripte manet

Ab imo pectore Natalie's laetus volo te
Annus mirabilis volo te
Meliora volo te
Carpe diem
Carpe noctem
Carpe viam
Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit
Nemo nisi per amicitam cognoscitur

"Non ducor, duco. ", me dixit
Dixi: "Pecunia, si uti scis, ancilla est; si nescis, domina est."
In fine omnia mutantur, nihil interit

Idem quod operibus anteire est
Grata sum quod tu legem posuisti mihi.

Sed usque tunc
Ave atque vale.

I pat Chobi on his head. "Make sure this comes to him on time.", I instruct him. "And please tell Freda that I miss her.", I remind him of my green bird. I watch him leave as I put the other paper which was too big for him to carry aside. This one I will give on my return, personally.

I look out of the window, resting on the edge of it. "I really miss you all, I wish I could get over with this sooner and return.", I think out loud.

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