14 May 2020

14 2 0

I'm ready for a run. "I'll be back, I just need to clear my mind.", I announce.

"Be sure to take care, I will keep an eye on the time!", my accompany warns.

I take off into the forest running. I run without thinking. I run without worrying or paying attention that I can't anymore.

I am distracted by a tree that fell near a lake. I instinctively step on the tree and I walk to the verge on the fallen tree. I sit there and look at the water.

After I realise I caught back on my breath I look around. I see new leaves growing on the dead wood. I decide to continue my run. I get up and get back on track.

I keep running until I find my special spot. I remember how I was shown how to get around to that very spot. I make my way down the thin passage to a larger stone under the bridge.

I take a seat there too. I look around to see the reflection of the sun on the water which on its turn reflects on the stone of the bridge. It's breathtaking.

I decide to meditate. I do so by recalling a lesson I learnt from a friend. It was about spontaneity. As it spoke of the element of surprise, I suddenly am surprised by a little black bird approaching me on the water.

The bird playfully ducks under the water and is joined by three other friends. I look at them in enjoying calmth. I straighten up my position and continue to recall and understand the lesson.

As I finished, I realise my legs went numb and that I have been followed by two kids who ended up coming closer on the same route and enjoying the environment as well. They realised I was finished and made way for me to go back upside from under the bridge.

I figured it took me an hour to meditate and run. I run back to the castle.

I take some clothes with me and a towel and I decide to go freshen up in the waterfalls near the mountains. There are supposed to be hot springs and cooler water as well.

I take the moment to enjoy the cold water after finishing in the hot one. I return once again and I'm given a freshed up room from the host. I take it and after a long while I feel tired and able to sleep without turning around in bed.

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