8 May 2020

17 2 0

I am near. I see a door, it looks like the exit. Eagerly, I jump to open it. Closed.

Stress rushes through me like a plane. I feel my heart beat faster, ache and my eyes tear up. I feel helpless.

I wander around for hours, feeling empty. My head starts to ache as well.
I curl up in a corner of a bedroom. My eyes start burning and I soon figure out I have a fever.

I cry. I don't know for how long.

In the end I decide to let go of my own expectations. All I focus on is staying alive and progressing.

I let go of all the obligations I have and focus on the present.

I decide to distract myself. I run out in the garden and the labyrinth in it I explore. I feel my fever getting worse but I feel relieved my heart doesn't ache anymore.

In the far I see an animal. Before I can identify it I already feel dizzy.
Soon I end up falling asleep there. Luckily it's not a cold night.

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