21 November 2020

7 0 0

I hear muffled talking in the background. I squint at the light that prevents me from opening my eyes. I soon start feeling my body bit by bit as well. I try moving a bit and getting up.

"She's awake!", I hear a young boy shout. I massage my head in hopes of getting rid of the pain. I see three men approach. One looks very old. The second of them seems to be very mysterious, hiding under a cape. As for the last, he looks like a younger version of the old man. Could be his son.
He approaches me and hugs me.

I hug back, startled. To dismiss my confusion, he pats me on the shoulder with a warm smile. "The sun is rising, a new day has begun. But you're not healed enough yet. You still need a bit of resting.", he explained. "And before you guess if we're your enemy or friends, I'd like to tell you that I've found this.", he gives me my journal back that was in my coat pocket.
"I apologise for looking into it, I shouldn't have. But the sign on the cover had me intrigued.", he bows lightly.

"Although you've almost gone down in that swamp, I can see it was not your time to leave yet. You're a warrior, and your book says you haven't finished your journey yet. You must still fulfil your purpose.", he says before leaving, not letting me ask any questions.

I see some women coming near. They bring ointments, bandage and buckets with sponges.
I sigh in both relief and stress.
I start unwrapping my old bandages and I let my white hair fall down.

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