1 May 2020

32 2 2

I'm back at in my study. I look around. The desk is messy. The room is messy. Outside its raining. The storm brings lighting and thunder. The pounding headache that has haunted me for weeks gets even worse.

I inhale and exhale deeply. I put my headset on and start planning on the plain paper in front of me.

After I finish planning, I get to it immediately.

"What would your reasoning be for murder, mister?", I think out loud. "Jewels? Money? Power? Or maybe something more personal? Perhaps... love?", I sink into my work and try to finish the book.

"Enough. Tea break.", I speak again to myself. As I pour myself some tea, I spot the birds joining me on my desk.

The little dove picks around on the miscellaneous items curiously. The raven follows behind and picks on the other birds tail. I giggle at the scene.

I shake the happy thoughts away, focusing on the situation I have at the moment. I must concentrate, this is not the time for having fun. Issues accumulate fast and solutions are required.

I hear someone approaching. "I'm here. ", I realise it's a man's voice. "At last.", I sigh. He explains: "I had to make you uncomfortable, otherwise you would not budge."
"But what about them?", I worry.
"They will be just fine, leave that up to me." I heard clearly. He continues: "I chose you."
I give an apprehensive nod.

He decides his last words before leaving: "Have faith in my plan and cease stressing. Don't be afraid. Rest while I'm paving your way. As you wake up the next, make sure to seize the day."

Acknowledging what was said, I follow the instructions.
I put my glasses down on the table and rest my head there as well. Before I could tell, I'd drifted to sleep.

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