~ Kiss Me ~

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~ Do you run track? Because I heard you Relay want this dick.
(Y'all I'm really out here tryin😂)

            ~•Im bored come play with me•~


"So, he basically stalked you?" "NO he DID stalk me but he seems over me now so I'm happy." They we're seated in a nice beach restaurant outside of town, the table area was set up with dim yellow lights that made their skin glow golden brown.

"You know, once a stalker always a stalker." Tae added taking a sip of his wine raising his eyebrows. "Of course you would know mr stalker! But serious note, tell me about you I'm a little full of myself but I want to know at least something." Taehyung chuckled leaning onto his forearms.

"Ok, I'm 24 years old. I live alone minus my maid and I hate spicy food." Jimin eyed him sighing, "Uh uh I need more info than just that! I told you about my STALKER! For all I know you could be stalking me for him!" He laughed.

"I can assure you I'm NOT stalking you; not  for him at least." Jimin squinted pursing his lips, "fine then I'll ask; fav color? "Gold.(🤷🏽‍♀️) "how long have you been in business for? "Almost 6 years if you count business camp." "Cool, fav movie?"

"Lion king." Jimin paused for a second being serious before bursting into laughter. "You big baby! Lion king! I haven't watched that movie in ages. Your just a big kid aren't you!" "Fine then what's yours."

"Coraline.(that's my favorite movie I love it, but Netflix dumbass took it off Netflix😭) "that weird button movie?" "Yeah you watched it?" He shook his head, Jimin gasped standing up.

"WAITER check please!" "We just got here 30 minutes ago- "shut up!"


Jimin opened his door quietly, signaling Taehyung to follow him. He shushed him when he closed the door to roughly, they sneaked past jungkooks room and into the living room moving past curtain beads-,

Tae laughed moving them out his face. The room was lit with neon pink lights very dim and colorful seating with a cool rug on the floor with records and albums on the walls along with a picture of Jimin and Jungkook together outside the club smoking together while laughing.

"What's so funny?" Jimin asked turning around, "your house is really 90's and pink..it's cute." Jimin smiled, "thank you, that's the vibe I like to give off, I have an obsession with pink anyways..-uhm you sit here and I'll be back dont move or talk!" Jimin giggled running away.

Taehyung got comfortable sitting on the couch looking at his phone.


After a few minutes Jimin came out with blankets and pillows he was also wearing something different.

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