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He hated her.

He hated her more than anyone could hate another human being.

It was the way she smiled that really fuelled his animosity, it was so authentic. She beamed at cashiers, random people on the street, apologizing for getting in their way, even when they were the ones in her way. He held particular venom when she grinned at the less fortunate, handing a sandwich from her fraying nap-sack whenever she had one, even giving away her own lunch. He hated how she worked long days at the soup kitchen on the corner, and the few dollars she attained from that job was spent on vet bills for her old, dying dog. She walked that dog every day, always waiting for it to catch up and smiled at the pooch that only shook and drooled.

Everything about her, how she seemed to just drift through life, overlooking all the wrong around her. She seemed so at peace with herself, without a single inner struggle to fight. It made him so bitter he wanted to punch something, his knuckles tightening. He wondered how his life would take such a girl, it would destroy her. That girl would have no will to live if she experienced what the world was really like. Someone so naive, so blind. He desired to show her, open her eyes to reality. He didn't really know why he felt so strongly about it, as if something simply spoke inside him, buzzing that she was too pure, that she had to be tainted. Even if it was his final act, he would show her real life.

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