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Sarah an I kept talking about everything. High school and what we want to major in once we go to college. Having someone your age and talking about the odds and ends of North Carolina. Talking about our childhood and talking about prom and showing one another our dresses. That was until the boys came back with the smell of weed and sweat. Giving both me and Sarah hugs they sit down in the grass talking about a party at North Beach Road. Greer is too high to function, Rafe is in the same boat as Greer, and Topper is metaphorically the boat. Sarah grabs three bottles of water and eye drops out of the house while I'm left with three teenagers that swear they are sober enough to drive.

"Y'all smell terrible," I state putting my nose under my shirt for dramatic affect. "And you're not taking us to the party smelling like skunk."

Greer smiles at my opinion holding my hand saying that I can't tell anyone that marijuana is in his system. Rafe hugs his knees looking concerned. Asking if he's okay, he tells me not to worry about it. Topper on the other hand is laying on the ground looking at the stars trying to grab them. Sarah comes out with the bottles handing them to the boys then waiting for them to finish their bottles before the eye drops.

Once their eye drops here in, we all headed to Topper' s car. Putting the address In the GPS we heading north to the party. All of us agreed that I would be the sober one to drive us home.

With music playing in the house, bonfire in the back yard, beer pong on the patio while others join around the pool. Sarah and Topper went their way while Greer and Rafe do their own thing. I walk around socializing with different people as well. As I make my way around the back of the house I see what looks like John B and his friends next to the keg. As I walk towards them, I see John B with a red solo cup and an e-cigarette.

"So where's the scuba gear?" I asked John B making him alarmed.
"Oh...Oh I'll drop it off tomorrow morning. Don't worry Holden," John B replied taking sip of his beer. He sees me look at his drink then points to the keg "you want some? We got a bunch more."
"I'll pass, I'm driving everyone home tonight." I replied holding up Topper' s keys.

John B nods and gives me a thumbs up before finishing his drink. Placing his cup on the table he asks about life at Holden and what I do for fun on the small island. Replying with mostly volunteering with the local turtle program that helps with the nest along the beach. Making sure the nest is away from predator's and when it's time for them to hatch, placing the "run way" along the nest so the turtles can make it to the waves. Then mentioning working at the Seafood Barn as a waitress and how every Friday my friends an I would go to one of the mini golf courses. 

"So what exactly do you do for fun?" I asked John B
"The typical, driving boats and drinking with the pogues. Just going on random adventures." he replied back 

As we continue talking, his focus moves from me to something else. His attention keeps moving from one place to another. Getting distracted by something, I turn around and see Greer and Rafe walking around drinking from solo cups. Greer goes around talking to a bunch of girls clearly intoxicated. While he makes his rounds with a bunch of girls. Making his way from one side of the house to the next, Greer stops along the way until he gets to me. Greer's collar is popped while he's holding four stacked red solo cups. 

"Magnolia you gotta come with Rafe an I to the pool!" Greer slurs putting his hand on my shoulder. 
"I will later Greer," I say back to Greer as he makes his way to another group of girls. "Be careful and don't flirt with girls that already have boyfriends!" 

John B looks at me weird as he gestures to Greer. I inform him that he's my brother as he nods along. After Greer is out of sight I hear Rafe yell on the side of the house then hear glass break. Rafe comes around the house with Topper laughing and play fighting. Looking back at John B I tell him that I'd see him around then went to see Rafe in Topper. Rafe puts me in a playful choke hole as he calls me Meg and offers me a Lager. I told him that I'm the one driving us back home, he pouts then with a mumble-slur states that I need to live a little if I'm going to be staying on the island. Rolling my eyes I playful elbow him in the stomach laughing as does Topper. 

"Oh yeah Magnolia," Rafe says with a smirk, "I'll show you something to laugh about." He lays his Lager down on the grass as he leans in to pick me up bridal style. Topper follows him laughing and saying that it's payback for elbowing him.  As I start to hit and kick telling him to let me down. His laughter grows more as he gets closer to the pool. I lie stating I have my phone in my back pocket, Topper mentions that I don't have it on me making Rafe smile and shake his head. 

"Any last words Magnolia?" He laughs as he gets closer to the edge.

I continue to kick and hit pleading to stop because I don't want to get wet. Shaking his head once more he tells me to hold on as he speed walks to the edge tossing me in. Letting out a scream as I'm thrown in the water I hear a male's voice yell 'What the hell'. Crashing in the water I quickly start swimming to the top. As I submerge up I hear John B tell at Rafe. 

"She told you not to throw her in the water jackass!" John B yells pointing at him. 
"John B calm down, it was a joke." Topper states budding in. He pushes Rafe back as he makes eye contact with John B. John B starts getting defenseless as JJ and Pope pull John B. 
"You're just pissed that the water reminds you of your dad John B." Rafe mentions pushing infront of Topper. 

John B's expression turns dark, pushing back his friends he moves closer to Rafe. Both of them start saying things until John B throws the first punch. Rafe backs up some as it looks like the punch didn't do anything to him. Rafe throws another one hitting John B in the nose. The commotion brought a crowd around them. This also brought Sarah concerned. I quickly get out of the water moving to both. Yelling for them to start Sarah tries pulling Topper back. 

"Rafe...John B knock it off!" I yell pushing my way towards the crowd. "Quit it before one of you gets hurt!" 

John B punches Rafe one for time in the chin hitting one of the pressure points knocking him out. With the force, Rafe falls in the water. With the crowd hollering Greer comes out of the crowd diving in the water to grab Rafe. Topper sees his chance and puts John B in a head lock and with the other hand, pulls the bandana and twisted it on his neck choking him. As John B continues to fight Topper, Topper starts kneeing his stomach. 

"Topper stop it!" Sarah yells as she tires pulling him off. 
"Topper stop before you kill him!" I yell as I grab Toppers hands. 

Suddenly I see red and blue lights reflect off the windows. It draws everyone's attention as we all hear doors close. With a chorus of worried, drunk teenagers they all run away like rats. With flashlights, two officers yell something from the side of the house this brought Topper to stop what he was doing. Letting go of John B he grabs Sarah an I as we run to the house. Looking back, John B is surrounded by JJ, Pope, and Kei coughing and holding his neck. JJ looks back up at me as he shakes his head in disappointment. 

Heading to the car, I frantically look for Greer and Rafe. Getting the car, Sarah yells at Topper for nearly killing John B. Tapping on the steering wheel impatiently, I finally see Greer and Rafe come out of the house with a towel over Rafe's shoulders. Greer opens the door for Rafe as he gets in with a busted lip and tried bloody nose. Starting the car, I pull out as I quickly get out of the street heading south back to the house. Sarah sits in the passenger seat laying her hand on the armrest. 

The car ride seemed eternal. Quite and with everyone either drunk, pissed, wet, or all three it seemed like time stopped. Tomorrow will be absolute hell. 

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