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I woke up in a room I didn't recognize. White walls with a gray and black comforter. Pickers of golfing and surfing along the walls I try to collect my  thoughts. I remember the party, then the coffee table with Rafe. Rafe?

"Rafe!" I yell through the room.

Suddenly Rafe opens the door.

"What?" He asks.
"What happened?"
"I told you to do a line of meth. I shouldn't of told you to. I'm sorry." He replies back.

He goes to his dresser grabbing a t-shirt then sits next to me on the bed.

"Oh my God," I say putting my hand over my head. "How bad was I?"
"For you're first rodeo...not as bad as I expected. Just a lot of laughter."

I groan out loud before I get out from his bed. Rafe hands me his shirt before I put it over my crop top. God what time is it? Walking out of his room I go to the upstairs  bathroom to pull my hair up then drink out of the sink then to splash my face with water.

"Greer is already at your grandparents. They all slept here last night. Boys slept in the living room and you and Sarah slept up here." Rafe mentions at the bathroom doorway.

I nod before taking a final drink of water.

Before I realize it, I'm walking back to my grandparents in Rafe' s shirt. Mom and dad are in the kitchen with bacon and eggs on the stove. Looking over at the stove I see the clock, it blinks quarter past ten. 

"Where were you?" Mom asks looking up from the skillet.
"I spent the night at the Cameron's house. Greer did too." 

I see Greer in the living room on his phone while I look back at mom. 

"That's nice, just a reminder Magnolia...tomorrow is the banquet so I need you look your best by six sharp. The banquet starts at seven and I want all of us to take photos before we go over to the yacht club." Mom states putting her egg on her plate. 

I nod before I grab an apple out of the basket on the counter. Heading upstairs, Greer gives me a smile from the couch. In my room I put on a light pink button down tank top with light blue jean shorts. putting my hair up In a tight bun, I grab a white lace cardigan out of my suitcase. 

Feeding the crabs, I go to the bathroom to wash my face before putting on makeup. Afterwards, I grab my phone and crossbody. 

Heading down stairs, Greer looks up at me and smiles again before shaking his head.

"What?" I ask 
"Nothing, you wore Rafe's shirt that's all." Greer replies. 
"He handed me it this morning. So what?" I snap 
"Don't worry about it. Really." 

I roll my eyes before grabbing the keys to the car. I need to go shopping for jewelry for tomorrow and maybe get my nails done. Pulling out of the driveway, I put up the closest jewelry store on my phone then turn the radio on. Driving off the bridge to the mainland, I sing along to the radio while I follow the directions to the Cotton Exchange.


Walking around the giant shopping center I walk around looking at clothing and jewelry. I find a simple necklace with a white gem in the middle. It's beautiful, but it won't go with the dress. Looking around more, I decide to look at clothing instead. Trying on different shirts and dresses for the fun of it, I walk out hanging the clothes on the rack before I check my phone. It's almost noon.

Walking around the stores, I look out the window and see a familiar Volkswagen bus with faded paint. John B's. I smile to myself before I walk around the center. While I'm walking to the closet place to get food an alarm goes off in one of the stores. Looking up I see where the store alarm is coming from.

"Stop!" An older women yells from Unwind by the Sea. 

Looking in that direction I see a blond boy take off running out of the store. The older woman runs out the store pointing. Catching the woman by surprise, two other boys and a girl run past her causing her to put her hand on her heart and cuss out like a sailor. One of the boys with dark skin turns around and apologizes to the lady before taking off again. Pope? 

Running after them, I see the boy make their way up the stairs. They're laughing  as they run up making a sharp right. Following after them, I see that they run into The Basics. As I walk in, I see them in the back of the restaurant. Walking towards them, I sneak up behind JJ before grabbing his shoulders forcefully. 

"Here they are!" I say in a loud, nasal tone.

JJ's body tenses up as he sucks in a sharp breath. The boys turn around before letting out a breath of relieve. Kei puts her hand over her heart as I bust out laughing. 

"Don't fucking do that Holden." JJ quickly states while he punches my arm. 

I blow him a kiss to his remark while he gives me the finger. Taking a seat next to Kei, I laugh as they all hunch down. I look over at John B who's looking at the door with his jaw clenched. Looking at the door I see the older women and a security guard walk up the steps. 

"Guys...we have company." I states getting all of our attention. 

JJ, Pope, John B and Kei look out in the hall before the lady points at our table. 

"Follow me." JJ states getting up from his seat. We all get up quickly before following him into the kitchen. JJ takes off running through the counters as we continue to follow. Bumping into cooks and runners, I follow everyone down the back steps. 

"Holy shit man!" JJ smiles running down the steps.
"You just had to steal those dumb ass candles." Kei replies

We make our way to the main level running towards the front door. Turning around, a security guard runs after us yelling at us to stop. Not listening, John B pushes the door open as we make our way to the Volkswagen. 

"My car!" I yell before running to the direction to my car. 

The security guard starts to runs after me informing me to stop running. Making my way towards the car, I hear John B yell after the police officer. Looking behind me, the guard takes off after John B as he yells something in his radio. Getting in my car, I pull out and drive behind the Volkswagen. Looking out my window, I see John B running towards his van as the side door opens. Once the van takes off again, we all speed down Nutt Street. 

Once we got out of town, I follow the van out of Wilmington to the island. Looking out the window, the house characteristic start to change from upper class to lower class instantly. As I continue to follow them, my phone's signal disconnects. Great. My tires hit gravel road as we slow down to an old shack off the marsh. Waiting for them to get out first, John B opens up the side door getting out with Pope and JJ. Kei gets out of the drivers seat while I turn my car off. 

Walking out, I'm met with the scent of chicken droppings and fish. Making my way to the shack I hear chickens cluck from the hen house. When I walk up to the house, John B walks towards me making my heart skip a little. 

"Hi." I smile 

John B walks past me to his van with his jaw clenched.

I follow after him to his van putting a hand on his shoulder. "John B?" 

He brushes my hand away as he opens the drivers seat grabbing his wallet. 

"John B," I repeat slamming the door close. "Why aren't you talking to me?" 

He turns away from me heading back to the shack. I quickly grab his hand making him turn around to face me. 

"What the hell is wrong?"
"I don't know, why don't you talk to your boyfriend about it." He scoffs 
"Boyfriend?" I ask confused
"Don't play stupid with me Magnolia, you're dating Rafe." 

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