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The loud music echoes the house. I stay close to Rafe as we walk around, but I find myself in a group of people around the coffee table with white lines. Rafe sits around two girls while he starts laughing and joking around before I see him snort a line of the table. The group goes crazy as I stand there watching him. One of the girls next to him moves closer putting her leg over his knee. She's clearly intoxicated and clearly looking for something tonight. The group continues to grow around the coffee table as I find myself being pushed away from the crowd. Walking around the house I try to find Greer. I didn't see him when I got here because we drove in separate cars so I don't know if he's here or not. God I shouldn't of agreed to going in two different cars. 

I wonder out to the kitchen before I grab a water. I'm not repeating history again. Walking around on the main floor, I go down to the basement to see if anything is worth wild down there. Going down stairs I walk back couples making out on the steps while the scent of alcohol and stomach bile grow stronger. The basement is packed with more groups drinking or passing around a blunt. Walking around, I make my way to a group in a circle playing what I think is spin the bottle. No harm, no fowl in this game. Right?

Sitting down in the circle, it's in a girl-boy formation. I outnumber the girls. One of the guys notices before he hollers at what I think is his friend, wearing a black and white OBX shirt, to sit down. A girl with dark red lipstick spins an empty Landshark bottle as it lands on the guy next to me. The red lipstick girl leans into the circle, as the boy does as well. Meeting in the middle, they peck one another's lips before sitting back in their spot. The guy then again spins the bottle as it lands on a girl with a pixie haircut. Of course they repeat the peak on the lips. The guy in the OBX shirt spins the bottle as it lands on me. With out hesitating, I lean in as we does too. He pecks my lips before pulling back. I spin the beer bottle counter-clockwise as I watch it spin around in a circle. It slowly stops to the left of me as I look up, it landed on the guy that noticed me sitting down just a moment ago. He leans in, as do I, and meet in the middle. Instead of a simple peck, he cups my cheek before kissing me. 

I feel him bit down on my lower lip causing my eyes to go wide. Pulling back I see him smile at me before spinning the bottle. 

After a few more rounds of spin the bottle, I make my way out of the group to walk around more. Finding myself in a room with a bunch of potheads and junkies, I try to make my way back to the door, but end up bumping into someone. 

"Sorry!" I apologize looking up in a raised voice over the music. 
"It's fine." a guy with a Lacrosse jersey replies. 

Walking past him, he grabs my shoulder making me look at him. I remember him from last night. one of Tuck's friends. 

My eyes go wide as I pull his arm off of me making my way out of the room. I quickly make my way up the steps as I see him follow me. Once I got upstairs I sped walked to the kitchen as I frantically look around. Turning my back against the kitchen, I face the corner cabinets as I see him look around through the reflection of the glass cabinets. He makes his way to the Livingroom so my first instinct was to go in the backyard.  

It's dark with still a good amount of people hanging out. I manage to make my way to a group of people next to a bonfire. Sitting down, I'm greeted by a bunch of smiles while a girl hands me a red solo cup. I need to relax, today's been a worldwind. I take a sip of the beverage hiding the burning taste in my throat. Thanking them I join in with their conversation about the hurricane. Taking another sip, I decide to text Greer.

- Hey I'm in th back. Where r u?

Sliding my phone back in my pocket, I'm instantly offered another drink. A girl in black, wavy hair handed me the drink as she asked me about the party. While I'm talking to her, I look up at the door ever so often. I found out her name is Melissa and that she came with her brother. Nodding along I excuse myself before heading back in the house.

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