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The following day was a bit over abundant. I didn't have to work until five tonight so we all piled into the van early in the morning to make it to Kildare County. The news hasn't mentioned anything new about John B's disappearance with any new information about leads or his location. What I'm doing is helping John B's case in a way that no one else can. I'm the reason he was in the fights in the first place. 

Mom drives while dad continued to talk between Nanni and Pawpaw. For a full ten minutes, all I heard from the back seat was dad getting interrupted mid sentence by a loud, muffled southern bell accent. I can see why mom didn't like Nanni when dad and her were dating. Nanni is very opinionated about everything. She lives that perfect life with Pawpaw on that private island with the ocean yacht and a very expensive platinum membership to the yacht club, no wonder she's the way she is. 

Greer is on his phone while I'm on mine, I don't know how long I'll be here for so I'm holding off on calling in or asking Gage to cover my shift. Hopefully I'll be able to give the police a lead on the charges then go back to Holden Beach without a problem. If anything, we talk to the Cameron's and Topper's mom, I yell at Rafe about everything he's done to me, then have an anxious breakdown in the middle of the argument. If we talk to the Cameron's I'm afraid they'll be one step ahead of us and hold on to the charges. I've only seen Topper's mom once in the limo and I didn't speak to her at all the whole night. If she's anything like Topper, she'll hold her ground. 

When we arrive to Keldare County, we drive through town until we reach the Sherrif's office I've seen in the news the past twelve hours. Mom and dad look at me with all seriousness. 

"Do you want us to come in with you?" Mom asks in a low tone turning the car off. Her light brown hair is tied in a bun with her sun glasses on top. 

"I'll be fine," I reply with full confidence. Letting out a smile I open the side door "I promise."

Closing the door behind me, I make my way up the steps to the front door. It's fairly small compared to its appearance on TV. Walking up to the front desk a lady with a gold badge sits their on the computer typing things in. 

"Yes?" the lady asks not breaking eye contact with the computer. 

"Umm...I have information about Johnathan Routledge." I inform her putting my hands on the desk. Her gaze breaks from the computer to me with a bit of shock in her eyes. 

"Sign in and I'll have an officer talk to you." She replies sliding a clipboard over for me to sign. 

It's not long until a familiar lady walks through one of the doors. The lady that gave me a warning and the lady that I saw on the news. Sherriff Peterkins. 

"Now what can I help you with?" She asks in a southern charmed accent. 

"I have information about John Routledge." I reply back crossing my hands over my chest. She looks at me as she directs me to a door on the other end of the hall. Following her, she leads me to what I think is an interrogation room. With one steel table and two steel chairs in a brightly lit room. A window is seen behind Sherriff Peterkins. It looks like the windows in grocery stores and in every crime show. It must be one of those one-way mirrors. 

I take a seat and look up at the window. I wonder how many people are behind it like they are in Criminal Minds. My thoughts are disrupted by Sherriff Peterkins clearing her throat to bring my attention to her. 

"So what's your name?" She asks folding her arms together to her chest. 

"Magnolia Blue." I reply quickly 

"Ahh that's where I remember you from," She starts slightly pointing her finger at me "You're the girl I gave a warning to on Bluegill  the other day. Ya know I never forget a face." 

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