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After John B finished his fish, I went to get his bill. His total came to eight dollars even so I paid for it with my tips I made today. Coming back to his table I hand him the check as he looks at it. 

"Thanks for paying," John B smiles taking nine dollars out of his pocket. "Here, It's your tip." 

I stuff his money in my back pocket while I grab a wash cloth and clean up his table before I clock out in the back. Heading out, John B puts his arm around my shoulder as I laugh at his gesture. 

"So where's your boat docked at?" I ask him as I shuffle for my keys. 

"I think Starfish, it's behind an empty lot for sale. Right next to a beach house named "Southern Tide". 

I nod as I get in my car and drive off to Startfish. I'm happy he's here but instead of driving him to his boat, I continue driving to my house. When I get here I park and head up the steps to my parents sitting on the couch. 

"Hey...can I ask you something?" I ask them as John B walks up the steps. I turn around and put my hand up for him to wait while I my parents reply. 

"You'll never believe this mom and all I'm asking is for one favor." 

"What are you talking about?" Dad asks confused at my statement. 

"Well...I ran into John B at work."

"What?" mom questions "What do you mean? Is he here in Holden Beach?" 

John B peaks his head through the door a bit uneasy catching my parents by surprise. I can see that he's a bit nervous stepping into our house as he finally meets my parents for the first time. 

"H--Hi." John B waves awkwardly. 

Mom and dad both at me with confusion. Dad stands up and looks at me and him. They've never seen him before, maybe his photo on the news but never in person. 

"Hello John B. We've heard much about you." My dad informs him reaching his hand out 

John B gives my dad a stern handshake and a smile while my mom gets up from her seat. 

"Hello Mr. Blue it's nice to meet you."

"Oh please, call me Tom." Dad replies back to him."

We all walk into the living room while John B sits on the couch a few inches away from me. Mom sits down in one of the chairs across the room while dad sits on the other couch. 

"So John B, can I ask why you're here in Holden Beach?" Mom asks him in a soft tone. 

John B takes a few secounds to reply. "I heard that you all went back home. I just wanted to see Magnolia again. Then I heard that the Cameron's, Thornton's and the Blue's were going to press charges on me, I got scared and left. I took my dad's boat and left."

"May I ask where your dad is?" My mom asks adressing one of the many elephants in the room. 

"Nine months ago we went out at sea and he never came back. They found his stuff in a boat that washed up, but they didn't find his body. My mom left when I was little and I don't know where she is now. I had my uncle came to live with me for about six months, then he left for some unknown reason so I've been living on my own for three." He replies back. 

My mom looks nealry heartbroken when he talks about his parents and uncle. I didn't know about his mom or his uncle before hand so this was all new to me. 

"I've had CPS after me since school let out back in May and they've been trying to get me into the system on the mainland. I don't want to leave my house, everything from my dad is there and i don't want any of it to be in a rummage sale or in some hospice store. I've worked on the Blue's boat in the past, I got fired because I stole some crackers and cheese from the boat. After I got fired, I started working on Ward's boat and I've been doing that for about five months now and he was helping me with the CPS until he fired me Sunday morning. Saying how he didn't feel safe with Rafe, Topper, and I fighting." 

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