He breaks the kiss and looks at me. The salty taste on his lips are still present as he slightly smiles. I smile back still looking at him.

"Was that your first kiss?" He asks running his fingers through his knotted hair.
"No, I've kissed guys before," I laugh "what about you?"
"Nah, I've kissed girls before. I mean you did walk in on me and Chance making out so." He chuckles taking a sip from his beer.

I turn on the TV and click through the satellite stations landing on the news. Of course they update everyone about the hurricane with water and electricity. Watching it I see snippets of the Outer Banks on the South end with small houses destroyed.

"How long do you think you'll be here?" He asks
"Hard to tell." I reply.

I continue to watch while John B grabs another beer. I Don't want to know how much alcohol is in his system right now. I know it's above the legal amount.

"So what are your plans when you get back?" I ask John B
"Well once we get to the restaurant we'll get in the van and drive to a pawn shop and see how much all this is worth." He states taking another drink
"What are you going to do with the money?" I ask
"Nosey much?" He rolls his eyes
"Sorry just ask'n." I reply back embarrassed
"Nah it's fine I'm just pulling yacht strings," he laughs looking at me "We split it. I mean I'm sorta hidding from CPS at the moment. Helps with food."

I look at him confused. Why is he running from child service? I remember Topper saying something about his dad. His dad drowning. That's why they want to take him, because he doesn't have a legal adult.

"I think it's cool that you do this. It beats playing golf with Greer, Topper, Rafe and Sarah." I joke.
"Damn, you'd hang out with us instead of them?" He asks
"I just wanted to get out, I mean my grandmother wants to go to this yacht party with Rafe. He's nice an all but he's been doing some questionable things that I'm not into," I ramble causing his eyes to go wide without knowing. "Like he's nice and I was really close when we were little, but like...I don't know. Kinda weird when he's like my brother's best friend."

John B stands up and clears his throat before going to the bathroom taking his beer with him. God I ramble without even knowing I'm doing it.


It's about four when I actually get back to the house after dropping everyone off at the restaurant. When I get into the living room I hear the guys upstairs. Heading upstairs I hear Sarah laughing in Greer' s room. They all are playing Cards against Humanity on the bed. Rafe looks up at me and smiles while Sarah pops her head up as well

"There your are. We didn't see you when we came in. Then we saw that the boat was gone." Sarah informs me while I grab a chair from the desk and grab ten cards.
"Yeah I just went on a boat ride South." I explain putting one of my cards face down.

Greer grabs all the cards out loud and picks Topper' s card.

"That's cool, we were thinking of going to a movie on the beach tonight. I think they're playing Weekend at Bernie's. You should really come with us Magnolia." Sarah begs placing a black card on the bed having everyone read.

It would be fun going to a movie on the beach. They would always do it at Holden during Shark Week and put on Jaws. I nod to her begging and placing a card down.

"Yay!" She smiles.

I laugh and continue to play with them until Topper ends up with the most black cards. Sarah and Topper sit together and talk with Greer an  Rafe about what they did to day. The first played  a few holes of golf then raced golf carts around the course. It seemed like fun, maybe I should of gone with them. Then i wouldn't of kissed John B. Then again I wouldn't of driven him away with my rambling.

"What time does the movie start?" I ask
"Around eight thirty. We can get snacks at Sheetz then head to the beach. How does that sound?" Sarah asks looking at us
"That sounds good to me. We can leave around seven thirty? Enough time to go to Sheetz and get a good place for the movie." Rafe replies
"Sounds good." I reply
"Yeah that sounds good." Greer smiles.

I decide to wash up for tonight. With dust and sweat as well as cleaning up from the night before. I end up taking a fairly short shower but spend most of my time brushing my teeth, washing my face, blow drying my hair, and putting on a clay mask. I'm really in no hurry to get dressed so I lay in bed with my towel wrapped myself watching Netflix off my computer. I pass my time by watching an episode of Hollywood before I decided to get dressed. I put on a pair of baggy red Boho pants and long sleeve black off the shoulder top. I tuck in the shirt into my pants to give off a curve affect. Putting my hair half up half down with a bun on top I put on minimal makeup to cover up the random pimples. Going to my closet, I put on my black sandals and grab my cross body.

Checking the time it's almost seven. Heading down stairs I see Nanni talking to Pawpaw in the kitchen.

"Magnolia you look amazing. You going on a date with Rafe?" Nanni jokingly asks from the kitchen.
"Nah, we're seeing a movie on the beach." I reply
"What movie?" Pawpaw asks
"I think Weekend at Bernie' s. That's what Sarah said." I inform them all.
"I've never seen it." Pawpaw admits
"I haven't either, hopefully it's good." I reply.

Greer heads down with shirts and a long sleeve shirt. I should change change into sweats and a t-shirt. Dress basic Magnolia.

"Magnolia we aren't going out to Elijahs. Why are you dressed up?" Greer asks.
"Is it too much? I just thought it looked nice. I'll change." I state in a quite tone.
"It's fine Mag... I was just joking. You look nice." He replies.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Greer goes on his phone to text Rafe while I go to the fridge to grab a water.

"Oh since you two are here," Nanni says peeking her head up. "I already told Magnolia this, but the yacht club banquet is Saturday and the family is going. I want you two to look daber for this so we're going out tomorrow to look at outfits. This is a big deal for the family so don't do anything stupid."

She can be very strict at times when it comes to self image. Nanni always made sure she looked good, even on her bad days. Although Nanni is up in her late seventies, she still manages to look clean. She always gets on Pawpaw about his clothing and always get on him for shaving his face to keep it clean.

"Magnolia is already going with Rafe, so Greer why don't you take Sarah." Nanni says.

I almost spit my water back into my cup. Greer' s eyes go wide and looks at me in surprise.

"You're going with Rafe?" He questions in a loud tone
"No, Nanni asked me earlier and I said I'd think about it. I know you two are close so I didn't want to make it awkward for you. Plus Sarah is dating Topper." I reply
"Come on Magnolia, it's just for one night. Plus he's a nice guy and you two are close. Ward likes the idea of it. I talked to him about the banquet when we had wine the other night."
"What! I'm sorry Nanni but I don't like the idea of going to the banquet with him. He's not my type." I lie. I mean yeah he's not my type, I don't like what he does on his free time with marijuana and possibly methamphetamine from what the bags looked like on the table the other day.

Nanni shakes her head at Pawpaw then back at me. "It wouldn't kill you, plus it'll look good for the family. But do whatever you want and make a joke to the Blues!" She says in a loud, snappy voice.

I nod as I look down at my thumb rubbing my index fingers. I didn't realize I was doing it. Greer breaths the silent by telling me it's about time to go. I follow him outside to the Cameron's and wait.

"Don't let her walk all over you like that Mag. Stand up for yourself next time." Greer whispers.

I nod and wait for the door to open. Rose opens the door with a hot pink pencil shirt, white blouse, and black heels. Her bright red lipstick is full as she greets us into the house. Walking into the living room, Topper yells at Sarah to hurry up while Rafe gives me another smile. Giving a small smile in return to not look rude I find myself getting heated. Before I know it, I'm back to running my index fingers.

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