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Greer elbows me in the arm bringing me back from my thoughts. I'm back to reality as I stand there in the Cameron's living room praying that Sarah hurries up. By what seems like an act from God himself, Sarah makes her way downstairs in leggings and a t-shirt. They all look casual and I'm dresses up. I knew I should of changed at the house, but Greer said I looked fine. Why in the world would I listen to Greer in the first place?

Before I can process anything, I'm handed Topper' s keys once more as we all head out the door. I don't know  here  I'm going, I don't know where the closest Sheetz is. Why'd they decide to make me the driver? They all pile in while I get in the front.

"I-I don't know where I'm going...can one of you drive?" I look up at the rearview mirror asking.
"I'll do it," Rafe replies getting out of the car "I know where we're going."

We quickly change seats taking weight off my shoulders. Sitting next to Greer makes my nerves calm down more. Closing my eyes to breath, I feel Greer' s hand hold mine as I continue to focus on my breathing. Slowly counting in my head I relax in my seat feeling better. Opening my eyes I look over at Greer and pat his hand with a small smile.

I've always been anxious. Rubbing my hands together while I watch a movie, taking a while to test the waters, not knowing if I should listen with my head or my heart, overthinking, and most common is the thumb rubbing. It's not as bad as I make it seem. It's nothing out of the ordinary and surely it's not anything to stress about. I need my minute to recollect myself then I'm back to make a quick adjustments before going on in life. Once I'm back I manage myself to make it through what I'm doing. 

Before I know it, we park at Sheetz. Going inside, Sarah an I go over to the freezers. I grab Greer a Diet Pepsi and myself a red Gatorade. The boys grab chips and other snacks as we meet them at the register. Topper swipes his debit card then we all walk out getting back into his car. It's about seven fourty-five when we leave, giving us enough time to make it to the beach, find a good spot, and watch the movie. 

It takes about twenty minutes to get to the beach. Pulling into the parking lot I look around and see that a few other people are here. 

"I have some beach blankets in the back if y'all want to use them." Topper says getting out of the car and moves to the trunk. 
"Sounds good." I smile getting out. 

I follow Sarah to the beach as we see a group playing Kan-Jam while another group is playing Spikeball. We set up our blankets and open pass out the drinks and snacks. The movie starts in fiveteen minutes and the sand starts to get covered with different people. The organization putting on the movie lights a small bondfire in the back near a small concession stand selling popcorn and candy slightly overpriced. 

"I'm going to to the bathroom before it starts." I mention standing up.

I have zero clue where the bathrooms are. I'm still getting familiar with it all. Making my way to the concession table I look around in hopes to see a line, but sadly I don't see one. The crowd continues to grow as more people layout on the beach causing a longer  line for concessions and giant crow  near the fire. If worst comes to worst, I can always go behind a Palm tree. I end up asking around if they've seen a bathroom. They all shake their heads no. Walking around  the sand I go past the concessions to the fire in hopes they've seen something. Going to the bonfire, I see a few groups sitting around it vapping and taking Fireball shots. They all laugh at this one guy making boob gestures with his hands while you can clearly see he's been drinking. He continues to talk about the "amazing sex" he had last night as he continues to talk about her chest. 

"Y'all pass these out!" A girl in a high pitched voice encourages passing another round of fireball shots.

Passing them around the circle the girl turns around with a smile handing me a shot.

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