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I wake up around eleven the next morning. My head starts to pound slightly as I get out of bed to wash my face and brush my teeth. I slept in the outfit I wore last night after  Rafe told me to go to bed. Washing off the last bit of makeup, I go down stairs. Mom and dad are in the kitchen talking and drinking coffee. Nanni is on the back porch watering the ferns while Pawpaw is reading th  paper.

"Morning Magnolia." Mom smiles looking up from her coffee.
"Mornin." I beam back

I grab another  granola bar from the cabinet while I lean on the counter.

"Your brother is our with Rafe and his friend..Tucker?" Mom questions
"Topper, Sarah's boyfriend. But okay thanks." I reply grabbing my phone to text Greer.

-Hey is everything okay? Just woke up an  Your  not here.

Shutting my phone off I go on the back porch to look the flowers. Nanni has a few ferns hanging as well as potted plants and a few flower  in the flower boxes.

"I see you replanted some flowers." I smile looking the flower box with Zinnias.
"Yep," Nanni smile  back putting the watering can down.
"While we were at Ward's house last night we are invited for dinner. We were also talking about you."

I look at her confused. "Why we're you talking about me?"
"Because, we think you should get closer to Rafe. Granted he's your brothers age but there's a big gathering at the yacht club this week and I think you should go with Rafe." Nanni states with a small smile.
"I don't know, he's a nice guy but I don't know how Greer and Sarah would feel about it," I reply back trying not to hurt her feeling. "I'll think about it, but I don't know at the moment."

I go down the porch to the back yard. Thinking about last night, I question where the guys are. Knocking on the back door I see Sarah on the couch watching tv. Getting her attention  she goes to the back door and opens it for me.

"Hey Magnolia, how was the guy from Kitty Hawk? I got your text last night when I decided to leave." Sarah asks.

I give her a questioning look then remember the guy from the party. He had my phone that night so I wouldn't call anyone.

"Oh...that...that didn't happen," I stutter as the flashback comes back to me. "A college guy tried to..."

Her eye go wide as she pulls me into a hug apologizing for what happened.

"I'm fine, it just got me worried and then John B came in and-"
"John B! What did he do?" She interrupts
"He got me out of the situation. The dude got in his faces, then they got into a small fight." I reply
"Oh wow, he really did save you Magnolia. Like imagine if he wasn't there."
"I'd be screwed. Definitely screwed. He took my phone and that text message was from him." I state feeling guilty for giving him my phone  in the first place.

We talk about it then sit down on the couch. I can't believe that Chance and John B were actually making out. Even tho he told me he was drunk and she was waisted, I feel like  I should at lease ask.

" is Chance talking to John B?" I ask kinda embarrassed
"I don't think so, why do you ask?" She replies.
"I was looking for a bathroom at the party yesterday, and I opened a door and sorta saw her and John B kissing."

Her mouth drops and let's out laugh as she covers her mouth. Shaking her head in disbelief she continues to laugh wiping the side of her eye.

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