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John B pulls me to the van while my thoughts are still foggy. Cars take off while the ringing slowly stops. My heart is racing as I continue to look for Topper' s car. I don't see Greer, I don't see JJ, I don't see Pope and I don't see Kei. I don't know who pulled the gun, I don't know if it hit anyone. My hands slowly start to shake instead of having my thumbs rub my index fingers.

"You're okay Holden. Everyone's okay. I'll take you back to your friends, I promise." John B promises me pulling me into a hug as he sighs 

I look up at him and see his bloody nose and busted lip. His eye will show a bruise in the next couple of days, his forehead is cut right above his left eyebrow and his shirt is tattered all over with dried blood in various places. I hear JJ and Pope cuss at the situation as they get near the car. Breaking away from his hug I look at them. JJ is holding something in his hand as it takes me a minute to process what it is he's holding. A gun. My eyes go wide again as I move backwards bumping into John B. JJ fired the gun shots, out of all the people in the crowd he fired the gun. Did he shoot anyone? I didn't see anyone on the ground other than Tuck who was passed out. Or did JJ fire the gun at Tuck instead. 

"I fired in the air to save your asses. You're lucky I brought it or y'all would of been dead...now lets get out of here before someone calls the cops." JJ states in a pissed tone. 

He slams the door shut making me jump a little in my skin. My thumbs start to rub my index fingers again as the fight floods my memory. John B's body on the ground while an unconscious college student is five feet away from him. Running into the middle of it as I tried to pull John B back. The fact that I protected myself by the college guy that grabbed me and I managed to get away. 

I feel John B pull on me to walk, instead of getting in the van, he walks me back to Topper's car. Walking back I see Greer and Rafe looking around calling my name. Rafe sees me and yells at the others that he found her. Getting closer to I see Greer's face in pure panic. Sarah is with Topper heading back to the car to get to me. 

"Jesus Christ Magnolia!" Rafe yells grabbing my hand pulling me away from John B "You said you were going to put the blankets back. When we came to the car you weren't here...then we heard the gun shots and we all panicked because your dumb ass went off with a god damn Pogue!" 

I stay quiet, afraid to speak, praying that he won't get in my face or fight John B again. I don't have the energy in me to break up another fist fight tonight. My hands start to shake as I look down fighting the urge to cry. 

"You're a fucking idiot! You do this shit every time. Tuck was here tonight, he could of fucking done stuff to you again!" Rafe yells inches from my face. 

"I fought Tuck," John B interrupts causing Rafe's attention from me to him. "I saw him talking about her in the parking lot after the movies. The sick bastard had the nerve to say that she flung herself on him in desperation. I followed him to his car and punched him. I was also the one to get Magnolia out of the bedroom at the party...I know you don't like me man, but don't get pissed at me okay," He stops to wipe his bloody nose on his shirt. "When I punched Tuck near his car we got into it and it drew in a crowd. I knocked out Tuck then his friends came in and started going at me. JJ and Pope as well as Kei ran in and started fighting too. JJ pulled out the gun, but fired away to get everyone's attention from the fight. He didn't hit anyone, he just did it to scare everyone away."

Topper joins in as well as Greer. The whole group shared worried looks. I know they were all worried and frantically looking for me when the shots went off. I shouldn't of left, JJ still would of fired the gun and I wouldn't be shaking. 

"We took care of Tuck this morning. Why the hell would he still have problems?" Topper asks   
"I don't know, I didn't know you three confronted him today." John B replies 

Greer balls up his fits and tightens his jaw as his breathing becomes sharper. I know he's furious at Tuck. I know he either punched Tuck or one of his friends to day as well. If he would of told me what happened to his knuckles when I asked him earlier, I wouldn't of made a scene at the fire. I would of went back to the blankets and tell the guys everything. 

"Did Magnolia get hurt?" Greer asks in an egger, loud voice
"She tried to pull me out of the fight...she ran in and tried pulling me back but I didn't. Tuck made a comment and I just swung and hit him In the jaw. That's when everyone started joining." 
"Everyone...his friends and the other Pogues?" Rafe questions
"And Magnolia.." 

Rafe lets out a sharp breath as he inches closer to me once more. His breath is hot as I'm the center of attention again. My breathing becomes hyperventilating while my hands shake more rapid. 

"You got in the damn fight!" Rafe yells once more making me burst into tears. "how stupid are you...huh? Quit crying like a god damn bitch and answer the damn question!" 

I break down more running towards Greer in a hug. My sobs become muffled as I burry my face in his shirt. He hugs me back wrapping his arms around me as he whispers to tell me to calm down. Rafe tries to talk but gets caught off by Greer telling him to stop talking. Rafe shuffles on his feet before he gets in the car. 

"I didn't mean for this to happen. Greer I know we don't know one another very well but I didn't mean for her to get into the fight in the first place. I'm sorry for the other night with the fight with me and Rafe and you Topper, but I'm one of her friends too. I don't want her getting hurt." John B adds 

Greer leads me in the car and nods at John B. Topper does the same gesture and thanks him before getting in the car. John B walks back to the van while Topper takes off back to the house. Greer puts his arm around me rubbing my arm as I continue to cry. The whole car ride is silent, like the other night when I had to drive everyone home from the party. I don't like how the past few days have been nothing but hell. Every night I end up running into John B and every night something happens. I don't like it. I want to go back to Holden Beach. I want the water to turn back on, I want the tree to be gone, I want to have a nice stress-free summer. But none of that is going to happen. 

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