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Tying the rope around the cleat once more I brace myself for the worst as I grab the warning ticket and walk up the back deck. Walking Into the living room, everyone makes eye contact with me. Pawpaw looks up from the Newspaper, Nanni and mom look up from Southern Times magazine and dad looks up from the TV.

"So Magnolia, how much Is the ticket?" Pawpaw asks putting his hand on his temple.
"There's no fine, I was honest with the officer and wrote me a warning." I softly reply handing the ticket to Pawpaw. He puts on his readers and moves ticket closer to him. Dad gets up and looks at it too.

"You know how important that boat is to your grandfather?" Dad asks as I shake my head no "that Ocean Yacht was bought by your grandfather's money so he could take your mom and your grandma to Holden Beach to get away from the crowds in the Outer Banks."

I look down at my shoes while I get lectured at. I don't feel the need to try or get myself works  up from it.

"When we woke up and saw that it was gone, we thought some junkie stole it. When we get a call saying that the coastal police pull  You over for speeding...what in the hell were you thinking?" Mom adds on in a sour tone "This isn't like you Magnolia, even the Cameron's son worried."

I shake my head in disbelief. Out of everyone in Figure  Eight, Rafe Cameron was the one worried.

"Why would he be worried?" I asked annoyed
"You pushed him away when he tried to talk to you. He saw you take off South and thought you weren't in the right mindset." Mom states standing up to face me. Her arms flare in the air as she continues to ridicule my actions. Telling me all the downfalls of what I did and how it could of affected the family in different ways.


I found my way knocking on the Cameron's door laster that afternoon. As I'm greeted by Rose, I see Sarah sitting on the couch. Looking over her shoulder, she gets up and gives me a hug. Last night was  rough on both of us, I.can't imagine what we went through last night with Topper and Rafe.

"I'm so glad to see you Magnolia," Sarah smiles breaking from the hug. "I hoped you'd come over. I couldn't  stand being here."

I smile back "Let's do something then? We can have like our own girls evening."

She beams with joy a she hugs me. Brightening her day, we both get up and head for her dad's keys on the kitchen counter. As she grabs them, another hand joins in. Rafe has his hands on the keys looking up from the counter.

"We're taking a drive." Rafe states sliding the keys to his side of the counter.
"No...we were going to take a drive." Sarah replies sliding the keys back to her.

Without hesitation, I swiftly grab the keys from both so they stop the bickering. None of us want to go down that road again. Tossing the keys to Sarah, we start heading out. Rafe shakes his head while he grabs the keys to his dad's boat.

Heading out, we both agree that we need to get off the Island. Driving over the bridge I  put in a CD I'm for sure Sarah would love. The first three beats makes her eyes go wide as she looks at me with a surprised smile. One Direction starts to play over the speakers as we sing along laughing.

I remember when we were like ten, Sarah an I would go crazy for the band. Sarah claiming Liam and claiming Louis for myself. I knew she would appreciate my attempt to put her into a bubbly mood. And to my amusement, it works as we drive off the Island to Wilmington.

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