Chapter Six - What They Had

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Four Years Ago

Louis: 17

Harry: 15


Harry was over at Louis' house for the night. It was a calm Friday night, except for the fact that they're facing each other in FIFA. Harry has absolutely no idea how to play and was just running in circles while watching Louis' player scurry across the field with the ball. Louis' character came too close to Harry's player, and somehow Harry managed to steal the ball from Louis. As if jump started, Harry wanted to get rid of the ball so he passed it to someone else and they somehow managed to tie the game.

Louis shoves Harry over. "I hate you!"

"How did I even get that? I'm awful at this game!" Harry laughed from his position on the floor. His back hurt from the fall, but he didn't mind.

"Fuck FIFA!"

There was a bang on his door, "Louis William Tomlinson, what did you just say?"

"Forget FIFA?" He tried again with a sheepish smile on his face.

Jay opened the door scowling, "Mhm," She smiled at Harry, "Hello love, I didn't know you were here... and shirtless?" She gave Louis a look.

Louis looked at her using his best "Shut the fuck up" look. "He spilled tea on himself and I was going to lend him clothes. Mum, now what did you need?"

"Louis, honey put a shirt on before you blind someone," Jay smiled, "I was going out with Lottie to get our nails done. Fizzy is at Sam's and the twins are out with Nan."

"Okay Mum, have fun, goodbye," Louis said as nice as he could.

Harry smiled at Jay, "Bye Ms. Darling, I can go home if you'd like."

"Johannah, love, and no you can stay, just don't do anything I wouldn't approve of you two-"

"Okay! Mum! Thank you, we won't, goodbye," Louis rushed his mum out of his room.

Jay laughed as she walked downstairs to leave.

"I'm so sorry about her."

Harry laughed and shook his hair up with his hands. "Its fine, but I was hoping we could do a few things she wouldn't approve of..."

Louis swallowed, "What do you mean?"

"We'd get all sticky and she probably wouldn't want to see our mouths on it..."


Harry laughed at his own innuendo. "Y'know squirt the whipped cream right into our mouths."

Louis laughed, "Oh, okay. Let's raid the kitchen."

Downstairs, Louis glanced out the window to make sure his mum's car was gone. He didn't want to get caught eating sweets before dinner and Harry might have been sent home. It sounds like Louis is 5 still, but Jay has always been serious about his health. Diabetes ran in the family. Both her and Mark were carriers of this trait, so the possibility was high. They were aware of that when they had Louis. Luckily, he didn't have it. It was recessive and he didn't have it that they know of. It could flare up at anytime. So she forced him to watch his sugar intake and made him exercise.

Harry walked into the pantry and grabbed all the junk food from the hidden places. Brownies, powdered doughnuts, and this wonderful snack Jay calls "puppy chow". Louis grabbed the whipped cream, cherries, and chocolate syrup. They both grabbed a soda from the fridge and then ran back up stairs.

When We Were Us. [Larry Stylinson AU] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now