When You Wear Exposing Clothing

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"Uh, Y/n? Are you sure you want to wear that out?" He asks nervously. "Hm? Yeah, is there something wrong with it?" You ask. "No! Just, I don't want to lose you because some guy was looking at you.." He admits. "Awww. I'll go change! You could have said something. I don't really care" You tell him. "Oh"


"NOPE. YOU DON'T GET TO WEAR THAT!" He screechs. "Why the fuck not?" You snarl. "Guys will be eye fucking you, only I'm allowed to do that!" He growls. He grabs one of his hoodies from his closet and throws it at you. "Go put that on dumbass!" He yells. You roll your eyes and go into his bathroom to change.


You were going out with Todo for a dinner, and you wore a very revealing dress. You knew this of course, you just wanted to impress Todoroki. You walk into the restaurant and Todoroki turns red. He gets up and grabs your arm, dragging you out. "Um, Todo, where are we going?" You ask. "To buy you a dress" He responds. "But I'm already wearing one" You tell him. "That is not a dress, that is two pieces of cloth sewn together" He says.


You finally agreed to go to the gym with Kirishima, even though it had almost no benefits to your quirk. You wore a nice work out crop top and some booty shorts. You walk into the gym and see Kirishima looking at you up and down. "Y/n, here's one of my shirts. Go change into that." He says. "Why?" "That's too revealing. It wouldn't be manly of me to let my girlfriend walk around exposed" He explains. "What about you? You're shirtless!" You exclaim. "I am a manly man. I should work out shirtless" He says. You roll your eyes and go to change.


You were wearing a low cut Crop top and a jean shorts to go see Denki at the café you met at. He sees you and he drools. "Um, babe? Can we leave? I want to fuck you" He explains excitedly. "What the fuck Denki!"

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