The 8 Simple Steps to Take If Your Soulmate Is Famous

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~July 27th, 2017~

While I wish there was a magical time skip and it was suddenly August 31st, that was not my life. No, for Akari Bennett, time would move slower than it ever has before! Anyway, I don't have time to focus on what-ifs and could-have-beens. There's a lot of work I have to do before I meet my soulmates.

If my soulmates really are members of a band that is internationally famous, there's a couple of steps I should probably take. Ha. I should write a book. It can be titled 'The 8 Simple Steps to Take If Your Soulmate Is Famous'. I'm sure it would fly right off the shelves. Who's ready for the first step?

Step #1: Immediately get rid of/delete all social media accounts. They will be used against you. Also, pray you never made any bad posts.

I did this step right after I purchased that life-changing ticket. I deleted ALL of my social media accounts. I only had a Twitter and Instagram account, so it was pretty simple to get rid of them.

Right after that, I made a new account with one of my numerous fake emails. I wanted to be able to like all the memes of my soulmates anonymously. Don't judge me! Honestly, some of the BTS memes are pure gold! Look at this one!

 Don't judge me! Honestly, some of the BTS memes are pure gold! Look at this one!

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When I saw this, the only word to describe my mood was #relatable. I absolutely had to see more. That was what saw the birth of @youg0tnojamz. The ultimate meme account for BTS. How could I help myself?!?! My soulmates were obviously too adorable for this world! Maybe I should be worried about how quickly I'm getting attached before I even meet them......Nah, it's fine.

Looking down, I realize I've been staring at the same wall for the past 10 minutes. Huh. What time is it again? My eyes lazily wander over to the corner of my laptop screen. Hmm. 8:42. That's nice. I need to get to the café by 9:00 though. Wait a minute. My eyes widen as I hurriedly rush to the bathroom. Who knew you could spend more than eight and a half hours watching Run BTS?!?!

~Six Hours Later~

I sigh as I take off my apron. I had barely escaped from certain death at the hands of my boss. His name was Sev and he was certainly a piece of work. His hair was always greasy and he was the manager of a café for heaven's sake! Disregarding the frankly sad hygiene standards, the café was pretty nice. A lot of the workers were college students who called in a lot, so I had the opportunity to pick up plenty of shifts.

I would need the extra cash. It is highly unlikely I will be able to work after meeting my soulmates. I had heard horror stories of sasaeng fans. They could probably figure out where I work if they truly wanted to. I am not about to risk my life just to go to work.

My boys had worked so hard for their career and I refuse to be the one to make them give it up. Maybe I could find an anonymous online job, but that's something to worry about in the future. For now, it just means I have to put some extra money away for later.

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