~Chapter Sixteen~

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Today I'm going on this date. I don't really know what to expect, but I' hoping that it takes my mind off a few things. Currently, I was over at the Seavey's, which to be honest is the place I'd like to be the least, but I can't tell Anna that.

"Oh my god!" Anna exclaimed. "This will look perfect!" She then walked out of her closet handing me a pair of ripped jeans, lace tube top and a cream coloured cardigan.

"That's so cute!" I said, taking the clothes from her and walking over to her bathroom to put them on.

Anna and I have always shared our clothes, most people hate doing that, but we find it fun. We both have very similar tastes, but if you go through our closets, you'll probably find a bunch of her clothes in mine and same for mine in hers.

Once I had the outfit on, I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled, I loved it. It was dressy, but it didn't look like I was trying too hard. I then picked up my clothes from the floor and walked out, making my way back over to Anna's room.

On the way over there, my body collided with someone. The one person that I didn't want to see. And of course to make it better, I dropped all of my clothes, including my bra. He bent down and picked it up handing it to me with a smirk.

"What are you doing without this on?" he asked.

I snatched it out of his hand. "I don't need it for this top, it's got support in it"

"Nice to know," he laughed. "Where are you going anyway?"

"It's not any of your business, but I'm going on a date with Alex"

His smirk then faded and he showed no emotion. "Alex, as in the douche next door?"

"He's not a douche, but yes, that Alex" I said and started heading back towards Anna's room but he stopped me again.

"Why are you going on a date with him?" he was holding onto my arm so I couldn't turn around, he was looking me in the eyes.

"I don't know...he's a nice guy and I want to see where things go" I shrugged.

"I've seen guys like him before Y/N, you'll end up getting hurt" he said.

I removed my arm from his grip. "And if I do end up getting hurt, I promise I won't come crying to you" I turned around and walked into Anna's room, closing the door behind me, taking one last glimpse of Daniel. He looked sad in a way, but maybe I'm just overthinking things.

I turned around to Anna and did a little spin showing off the outfit.

"Alex isn't going to know what him him" she smiled.

My phone then pinged. I checked it and it was a message from Alex saying he's out the front of his house in front of his car.

"I've gotta go, he's out the front. I'll see you when I get back" I said, grabbing my stuff.

"Have fun, but not too much fun" she smirked.

"Shut up" I laughed and walked out the front and over to Alex.

"Hey, you look amazing," he smiled.

"You don't look too bad yourself," I said, returning the smile. "So, where are we going?"

"I was thinking about going to the movies and then grabbing some take out to eat on the way home?"

"Yeah, that sounds amazing"

We got in the car and he started driving to the movie theatre. I didn't know what we were going to see but I didn't really mind, I'm not that fussy. The car ride was kind of awkward, not gonna lie. We made small talk here and there, but I couldn't get a certain someone out of my head. I felt kind of bad about it to be honest.

We made it to the movie theatre and Alex insisted that he buys that tickets, which I didn't really like the idea of but I let him do it anyway. He proceeded to buy the drinks and snacks too. The movie was a horror movie, stereotypical kind of stuff. It was a good movie though, so I can't complain.

On the way home we stopped by In-N-Out and this time I forced him to let me pay. We pulled into the car park and sat there while we ate.

"Was this a bad date?" he asked nervously, catching me off guard.

"No, sorry. It's great, I just have something else on my mind, that's all" I admitted.

"A certain someone?" Alex questioned.

"I guess you could say that" I shrugged, stuffing fries in my mouth.

"I'm not going to ask who, but I think I already know," he said.

He was probably right. He doesn't know many of the guys that I'm friends with, so it probably isn't that hard to guess.

"I'm sorry if I made this awkward" I sighed.

"Hey, trust me. Getting over feelings for someone is hard enough, but unwanted feelings that you probably haven't admitted to, is even harder" Alex said. How does he know all this? It's like he can see right through me. "How about, I take you out somewhere next week. If you really don't want these feelings for this guy, then I'll try my best to help and let you move on. But if you choose to see where your feelings take you, I'll stop"

I smiled. I didn't want these feelings, who knows what will happen if they got any stronger and I fully admitted them. Maybe Alex will be a good distraction, at least he's letting me use him as one, so I don't feel that bad. "Sounds like a date"

"Great" he paused. "Let's get you home"

Time time we sat in comfortable silence on the way home. I felt a lot better about my current situation and having Alex be there for me really helps. The one person that I tell everything to, is the one person that can't find out what's going on inside my head. She'll try to convince me to do something about them, and I don't want to do that.

We arrived back at his house and I thanked him for tonight, even though it wasn't the best, I still had fun. I walked back over to see Anna. I opened the door and raced up the stairs. I flopped on her bed and sighed.

Daniel's POV

The front door opened and Y/N ran up the stairs and into Anna's room. I could tell it was her by the sound of her footsteps, she's here that often that I've gotten used to them.

"Soooo, how was it?" Anna asked, taking my interest in their conversation.

"It was really good," Y/N said, I could tell she was smiling. I felt a small sting inside my chest, knowing exactly what it was, but pushed it aside.

"Someone's going to get a boyfriend" Anna teased.

"Shut up" Y/N laughed, causing me to smile

What is she doing to me? She's my sister's best friend. The girl who I've hated for so many years. Why now? What am I thinking? I can't do that to Anna, but seeing her with Alex hurts. I don't want to see that anymore. I can't sit back and do nothing. But what am I supposed to do?





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