~Chapter Twenty Seven~

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All the students and teachers were starting to gather in the hall. They took their seats and talked amongst themselves, while they waited. Daniel and I were hanging out the back waiting to be called on stage. Afters some time, the principal came up and started talking.

"Now before we get any further into today's assembly, we have a very special performance from one of our very own students. Her and one of her friends have been working together on this song, and they are here today to perform it for you guys. Put your hands together for Y/N Jones"

I took a deep breath. "You're going to do amazing," Daniel said calmly.

Everyone started cheering and clapping as I took my seat. "Uh, hey guys. So I wrote this song the other week and it's really special to me, but I couldn't do it without one of my really talented friends. Give it up for Daniel Seavey"

Daniel walked onto the stage with a huge smile, I looked around at all the girls and they seemed shocked that he was actually on the stage in front of them. Some girls turned to the person next to them and started whispering and others were giving me death stares. I brushed it off and picked up the guitar next to me. Daniel sat down and did the same.

"I just want to clarify," Daniel started. "Y/N came to me with all these ideas for her song and I helped put it together. So this is her song, please appreciate her talents"

I looked over at him and smiled. He's such an adorable and amazing human, and I'm here pushing him away. I'm just scared of everything I guess, and I'm not ready to face the challenges that could lie ahead.

"This song is called 'Hideaway'. It's about these feelings that you have deep inside of you that you aren't sure what they are, so you just keep pushing them away. I feel like a lot of you guys can relate to this, so I hope you enjoy"

I nodded at Daniel and he started strumming his guitar. I joined in playing a few chords to add a nice balance. I leaned into the mic a little bit and started singing.

I was absolutely terrified, I'd never sung in front of this many people. I've kept my voice to myself for years, it took me ages to actually sing in front of Anna. Surprisingly, I was able to sing easily in front of Daniel. If felt natural, I wasn't pushing for anything. So now that I'm up on the stage, I think of singing to him, only to him. Like it's just him and I in the studio, no one else is listening. When I look out to my peers, my eyes lock with Anna's, she's smiling like a dork right now.

The song finished and everyone cheered and clapped. I don't know if they were clapping for me, or if it was just that Daniel Seavey is actually in front of them.

"Thank you guys so much" I smiled. I put the guitar down and walked off the stage, Daniel followed.

We reached backstage and I let out a small squeal. "Oh my god! That was amazing!" I leapt into his arms and he spun me around.

"I told you that you're amazing" he whispered, still hugging me.

I pulled away from the hug and looked at him, he gave me a small smile. "You believed in me. That's all I wanted" I said.

"If you have someone to believe in you and support you, you can go places. You're an amazing singer Y/N and I think you'll go far with a voice like yours" he said.

"You really think so?" I asked.

"I do. Who can pass up the opportunity for an amazing voice like that, plus an amazing person comes with it"

We were literally inches apart, there was barely any space between us. This time, it was me who made the move. I leaned in and attached my lips to his and luckily he kissed back. The tingly feeling that was in my stomach the other night had returned. Butterflies? I'm not sure.

I pulled away and looked at the ground, taking a step back from him. "I-I'm uh, going to find Anna. Talk later year?" I asked, even though I wasn't wanting him to answer.

"Uh, yeah sure..." he responded.

"Great, see you later"

I rushed out of the area and walked into the bathroom, trying to clear my head.

That's twice. Twice! I need to figure out what I'm wanting from this and what my feelings actually are, because this could end very badly.

"I thought you might be here, you did amazing!" Anna squealed, coming in to hug me.

Anna doesn't need to know what just happened, not right now anyway. I'll tell her...later. I need to sort some things out first.





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