09| Carrows

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Azaleas hand linked with Luna Lovegoods as they made their way up the front steps of Hogwarts school, wearing their uniforms like a badge of honour, faces strong despite it all

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Azaleas hand linked with Luna Lovegoods as they made their way up the front steps of Hogwarts school, wearing their uniforms like a badge of honour, faces strong despite it all. There were half as many carriages now to transport the students and many of them wore faces of fear but the four seventh years striding confidently inspired strength. People seemed to gravitate toward the daughter of Hogwarts because they knew her purpose and they knew more than anything else, that she would protect them in times of need.

Trailing her scatteringly, Azalea's doe eyes met brilliant green ones and she was instantly reminded of Harry Potter. Despite the soreness of that topic, she smiled and beckoned the girl closer as they neared the grand oak doors. She timidly made her way toward the girl, blue and silver tie peeking through her robes and Azalea smiled softly. She was young, maybe a second year as she wrapped her hands tightly around Azalea's arm, quickly finding strength from the confident girl.

"My name is Azalea Hogwarts" she informed unnecessarily, voice soft and the girl smiled shakingly.

"I'm Aubrey... Aubrey Green."

"What year are you in Aubrey?" Azalea questioned softly, despite the silence that came from all the students marching alongside them.

"First" her response was unexpected because it meant one thing for certain... The first years had already been sorted into their houses and this year, they weren't taking the boats to the school. Things were certainly changing at Hogwarts school.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Aubrey" Luna smiled softly, tugging the girl to stand between herself and Azalea, hand pressing softly on her shoulder. "I'm Luna Lovegood." seeing the nice blonde girls tie, Aubrey instantly relaxed somewhat because it meant that she wasn't completely alone in Ravenclaw house. Shortly after- the two girls mutually agreeing to protect sweet Aubrey- they finally found their way into the Great Hall of Hogwarts school for the first time under the new order.

Throughout her entire life, a day had not gone by where the aura and celebration of the Great Hall hadn't filled her with a certain happiness. Today was the first day. In an instant, it was abundantly clear that things were different for the school, the cold darkness of it shifting over them as they swarmed in like a flock of crows, timid behind Azalea Hogwarts. Their protector.

All life had been shredded from the place, like a juiced orange. The curling no longer speckled with glittering stars, enchantment fallen to reveal nothing but the plain ceiling and rafters. Anything from there down was only worse. The floating candles were gone also, room only lit by the torches of the walls, the peak high ceiling being completely concealed in darkness. The banners had fallen, tables stretched as ever but cutlery seeming duller. As they collectively took their seats at their respective tables, the room was at a measly half capacity.

Doe eyes skimming the empty table and befalling the one elevated on a platform, solemn expression met her from each direction. The teachers who'd once have smiled and waved at their favourite students were now seemingly in a state of mourning as they overlooked the children they'd vowed less than a year ago to protect. Some old faces were missing, some new ones added but overall it was abundantly clear to see, they knew the changes occurring in the air.

"Welcome" the voice of their new headmaster clipped in the least welcoming of tones. Severus Snape stood before them like an oversized bat, addressing only the Slytherin table but Azalea found herself thankful of that fact. It was much easier to pretend to despite him while he acted so coldly. "Many changes have been implemented this year. School is now mandatory for all those half and pure bloods who can provide sufficient documentation of their heritage.

Muggle studies has also become a mandatory subject taught by professor Carrow" he gestures backwards in a clipped tone- without turning- to one of the new faces. There were two, a female and a male and Azalea was positively unexcited to see where the female took muggle studies. She was clearly a death eater, her smile like a shark. "The dark arts will be taught by her brother, the other professor carrow" he gestured again and Azalea blinked, ears easily taking in the new name for their beloved DADA class.

"There will no longer be any extra curricular activities. Lights out has been moved an hour ahead to nine, lessons begin promptly at eight. Lateness will not be tolerated. Any breach of ruling will lead to detention, conducted by the Carrows themselves. More guidelines will be set out during your lessons and allow me to be absolutely clear when I tell you, it is imperative that you follow them or else risk detention. Dementors will be stationed at all entrances and exits, do not try to sneak passed them because I assure you none of your teachers will be there to cast a patronus. Professor Slughorn is the new head of Slytherin. Once you have eaten, return quietly, single file to your dormitories." With that, he turned on his heel and sat down, leaving them all with a sense of awe and dread as they mulled over his words.

Shortly later, the opening feast arrived and although it brought slight joy, the grandeur of it was somewhat lacking. Neville stares deeply at Azalea from across the table, face once more becoming miserable and she gave him the strongest smile she could muster.

As the boy across from her timidly began to shovel food onto his plate, Azaleas eyes swivelled around to face McGonagall who stared impassively at her but there was a fire of misery in her dark eyes and it ached her heart to see. Things were different at Hogwarts now.

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