Stony Bedtime

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Trying something different for this installment: Steve x Tony as Peter's dads

"No, I'm not tired yet, Pops!" Three year old Peter Rogers-Stark giggled as Steve carried him into his bedroom.

"Well, my baby boy, it is bedtime." Steve smiled as he set him down on his bed. "What pajamas are we wearing tonight? Spongebob, Toy Story, or Olaf?"

"Daddy and Pops pj's!" Peter announced, rejecting his choices. "I wanna wear pops pants and daddy shirt."

"Okay, Captain America pajamas pants and Iron Man pajama shirt." Steve smiled as he dug through the dresser drawer to find the clothes Peter was set on wearing. Once he got Peter in his pajamas, he took him to the bathroom to get his teeth brushed.

"My teeth are getting a bath." Peter laughed with his mouth full of toothpaste before he spit it into the sink.

"They're all clean now!" Steve chuckled. "Do you need to go potty before you go to sleep?"

"No, I'm good." Peter smiled as he left the bathroom and jumped into his bed. "It's story time, where's Daddy?"

"I think he's in Canada." Tony joked from the doorway. "Are you ready for story time? I'm reading a good one tonight."

"Yeah!" Peter exclaimed as Steve sat on the bed beside him and Tony took the other side.

"Tonight's story is Little Quack." Tony said as he opened the book and began to read. When he was finished, he set the book down on Peter's night stand.

"Goodnight, love you kiddo." Tony told him, he and Steve kissing Peter's cheeks at the same time.

"I love you, baby. Go to sleep." Steve said as he and Tony got off the bed and began to leave.

"I love you Pops. I love you Daddy." Peter called back as they shut off his light and left the room. Peter fell asleep almost immediately, but didn't stay asleep the whole night.

At 1:30 in the morning, Peter woke up after having a nightmare. He climbed off his bed and rushed out of his room, running down the hall to his fathers' shut door.

Peter tried to open the door, but it was locked. So, he sat down on the floor and began crying. He just wanted his dads, but they were behind the locked door and he couldn't get to them. Why couldn't he just get to them?

Inside the room, Steve and Tony were asleep after having an impromptu date night in their room while Peter was sleeping. They had locked the door so Peter wouldn't walk in and see anything he shouldn't, but neither had remembered to unlock it after.

Steve's enhanced hearing picked up on Peter's crying and he bolted upright in bed. He quickly threw on his underwear and a pair of pajama pants before waking Tony. "Hey, get dressed. We're about to have a tiny visitor."

Tony made an incoherent sound in response as he grabbed his underwear from the floor and put them on before finding a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. As Tony dressed himself, Steve opened the door and saw Peter sitting down, crying.

"Pete, honey what's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?" He asked, crouching down to his level.

Peter nodded, still crying too hard to speak. Steve picked his son up and hugged him tight. "You wanna sleep with me and daddy?"

Peter nodded again, his tiny arms wrapping around Steve's neck as his chin rested on his pop's shoulder. "Alright, come on, big guy."

Steve got back in bed and set Peter between himself and Tony.

"Bad dream, buddy?" Tony asked gently as Steve got settled back into bed.

Peter sniffled, his crying beginning to slow. "Yeah. A mean dragon breathed fire on our house."

"I'm sorry, kiddo. I promise no dragons will ever breathe fire on our house." Tony told him before kissing his temple.

"Why is your hair wet?" Peter questioned as Steve looked at Tony with a smirk, both men reminiscing of their shower together just an hour earlier.

"Daddy took a shower before bed, that's why." Tony answered, returning Steve's smirk when Peter turned on his side.

"Okay." Peter said, accepting the answer as he rolled so his forehead was resting on Tony's arc reactor. Steve rubbed Peter's back until he was asleep.

"I love our boy." Tony smiled contently at Steve as they listened to Peter's light snoring.

"I love both my boys." Steve returned the smile as he wrapped an arm around both his child and husband.

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