Chapter 15: Theo's Forgiveness

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Theo woke up two hours later with his beta curled in his arms; he watched Liam's chest rise up and down. He stroked his hand through the younger boy's hair, worrying about him. Theo knew he had to do some of his schoolwork; Liam might have got excused for his work for a while, but he knew they would be slightly less lenient with him. He quietly slipped out of the bed to do some work downstairs. After an hour or so, Argent walked in and sat down at the table with Theo.

"Hey, Theo. I'm sorry. I should have trusted you more recently, but after Allison died; Scott is basically a son to me, and after what you did to him it was hard," the man stared at the chimera.

Theo was shocked out of anyone he would have never of thought Argent would be apologizing to him.

"Thank you," Theo told him, "but honestly I don't know if I could have forgiven myself for what I did. Everyone always says it was the Dread Doctors' influence, and it was, but I should have said no."

"Hey, kid. We all make mistakes, and you were corrupted at a young age. Heck, I used to think all supernaturals were evil because my father told me so. But after what you have done for the pack, I realized you have changed. I watch how you love Liam and would do anything for that boy. You care about everyone in this pack except yourself. You are a good person, Theo, you just need to realize you moved passed what you were."

Theo smiled at the man, realizing what a great father figure he was. "Thanks, it really means a lot coming from you."

Argent smiled at the chimera as Melissa walked in the door from her shift at the hospital; she was carrying take-out from a local Chinese restaurant for the family.

"What are you guys talking about?" she asked them her motherly instincts knowing they were actually enjoying the other one's company.

"New ways to defeat the hunters," Argent smirked at Theo. They had the tough guy reputation to keep up.

"Hmm..sure," Melissa looked at the two boys. She went over and kissed Argent. "Want to go get Liam?" she asked the chimera. Theo nodded and headed up the stairs.

"SCOTT I MADE DINNER," she screamed. Scott came busting out of his room almost knocking Theo down. They laughed at each other. Theo remembered Melissa used to do that to them when they were kids. They would be playing in the yard, and when she screamed, they knew they had to come running if they didn't want to be doing all the dishes.

"Just like old times," Theo told the alpha. Thoughts of him killing the alpha trickled in his brain, but then he remembered Argent's words that he needed to move on. "She never changed." 

Scott shook his head at him. Knowing how close they used to be hurt him, but he knew Theo really had changed from the blood-thirsty Dread Doctor killer.

Theo opened the door to Liam and his shared room and saw Liam staring at the wall curled in a ball, shaking.

"Hey, it's okay Liam I'm here. What's wrong?" Theo asked the beta.

"I am tired of being a disappointment to everyone, I am tired of being tired, I am tired of feeling guilty, I am tired of crying, I am tired of being so cold," Liam cried into the chimera's arms.

Theo looked at his boyfriend, "Hey you are not a disappointment to anyone, but especially not to me," he took the boy's small hand and softly kissed his lips.

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