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(lol some of you probably don't listen to alternative or screamo music)_

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(lol some of you probably don't listen to alternative or screamo music)


"oh my god! gia it was just a stupid mistake! can't you fucking forgive me?" she groaned into the phone.

"no jimin, you're annoying me now bye."

"wait-" i tried to say before she hung up the phone on me abruptly. i let out a 'ughhh' sound and laid back on my messy bed.

ok! maybe making out with the girl was a little overboard but when i saw her kiss taeh like she ENJOYED it, really pissed me off. i hated when other men tried to look at my women like she was available. i kept sending messages to gia and trying to call her; but she just ignored me. i finally gave up and grabbed my lighter.

i hope she wasn't thinking about dumping me over this. i rolled up some weed because why not? i was on probation but i can't give up my reefer. the ding from my phone sounded as soon as i put the flame to the blunt.

my baby💕💍: stop texting me jimin; i mean it or you're getting blocked🙄

i groaned and threw my phone back on my blanket. i inhaled and exhaled the sweet smoke of the cannabis; each puff setting me into a calm high that i've always enjoyed. i started smoking at the age of 14, yeah i was super young when i was introduced to weed.

i've always been told that "weed is bad." "you shouldn't be smoking at your age." "you could get caught." all that bullshit that i could care less about. smoking just helped with my anxiety and depression; fuck counseling. all they did anyways was get paid to listen to your business....nosey bitches.

whenever i was high i just felt so lightweight and free like i was seeing the world in a different light. weed was my best friend literally it's helped me with so much in my life and it's still riding for me til this day.

sometimes i hotboxed my truck and just sat in there with either rap or punk rock music playing. i really enjoyed listening to alternative music whenever i was high because it just put me in this 'bad ass' mood that i liked.

right now though i was hotboxing the shit out of my room. i wanted bigger so i brought out my bong to get a better high and i put the weed into it and got her started. one thing i loved about smoking was the tricks you could do. my favorite was the bars...you could do that better with vapes but i don't like vaping. i tried it once and it wasn't for me.

luckily i had the home to myself because everyone was apparently busy today. i used to love being here alone but after my tragedy in jail i really hated being alone. it seemed like ever since gia went off to college i'm alone all of the time and visions of me being raped just replays in my head. i hated it; it made my skin crawl but whenever i smoked it was like none of that ever happened. i wanted to tell gia about it so bad but i was way to afraid to tell her; i didn't want her worrying about me.

if i told her she'd feel like it was her fault she already feels like us getting caught up was all her fault. she still hasn't forgave herself and i keep trying to assure her that none of this was ever her fault but gia's very stubborn.

sometimes i worried if she is starting to like someone else in her college, she has been distant over these months. i don't know maybe i'm being over protective and insecure but i really love her and don't want to lose her especially over one mistake. she told me not to text her anymore but i was very tempted all i wanted was some company.

honestly i want to smoke her up so bad but i respect it if she's not into doing it. it's just high sex is the best sex; we can even make brownies before we do it. oh my geez! shut your ass up jimin, you're just hungry, high, and horny! i laughed to myself out loud.

admiring the artwork on my wall that i drew over the years really gave me inspiration to paint gia. that would be an amazing gift for her but she hates me right now. i'm such a dick! why'd i kiss that girl in front of gia like that? i really need to learn how to handle my envy.

the weed in the bong was almost running out and i continued to smoke the rest of it. i was starting to get the munchies but good thing i had a bag of hot cheetos saved in my night stand. i totally forgot about gia telling me not to call her anymore but i was too high to care.

"jimin! i told you to leave me alone; why do you keep calling me!" she yelled through the phone but i was so spaced out that it didn't even upset me; instead i found it super hot.

"come over." i cheekily said crunching on hot cheetos. "please."

"jiminnnn no i'm mad at you." she whined.

"please baby." i whined back. "i said i'm sorry and i miss you."

"i'm doing homework babe." she said moaning annoyingly.

"bring it over here and i'll help you."

"are you high right now?" i laughed loudly.

"how'd you know princess?"

"because when you're high you call me all of these cute names and your voice gets super deep but calm." i could hear papers shuffling in the background.

"wow ok you're good but are you coming over? i really do miss you and i want to shower you with kisses." i knew she was rolling her eyes because i knew gia. "i know you're rolling your eyes at me."

"ugh jimin shut up! and i'll think about it."

"no don't think just do." i whined more.

"fuckkkk fine i'll come over asshole." she groaned in fustration. i let out a yes in excitement and i heard gia giggle lowly. "but you gotta help me finish this work because i need to keep my grade up."

"ok fine but after can we fuck?" i smirked even though she couldn't see me.

"jimin don't make me change my mind." she said flatly and i just said "ok" sadly. "i'll be there soon alright?"

"alright i love you." i smiled.

"yeah whatever." she said as she hung up on me.

well damn she could have said "love you too lil dick bitch" or something instead of nothing at all. i felt kinda hurt.




This chapter was probably short as hell but as thing's progress things get longer♡︎

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