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jimin always took so long in the shower but i had his outfit laid on his bed already. as i waited i played games on my phone until the door swung open revealing jimin shirtless with a towel around his torso.

"finally took you a decade." i complained. i always wondered why men took so long in the shower.

"you wanted me to bathe but now you're complaining."

"shut up." he laughed and looked at the clothes i decided for him to wear.

"hmm not bad gigi, you have style babe."

"what are you trying to say here jimin? that my clothes are ugly or that i can't dress?"

"what? i literally just said you have style." he made a straight face at me.

"yeah but you said it like you were shocked i could pick out something nice." he narrowed his eyebrows almost closing his eyes.

"gia are you on your period? cause you're being so defensive and a big baby."

"maybe....yes." he shook his head at me playfully.

"girls and their hormones man."

"just get dressed so we don't get there too late."

"where are we going?"

"it's a surprise." he rolled his eyes.

jimin dropped his towel to the floor just letting his stuff hang out. i literally told this man i was on my period and he just let's it hang knowing it's going to turn me on. i saw him smile to himself like he knew what he was doing, he kept stalling around the room.

"put your clothes on, why do you have to play these games?" he's so silly.

"i'm putting deodorant on chillax baby cakes." he smirked and did a little shake with his body making his dick sway. i looked away in fustration...that was lowkey hot.

"can you just get your clothes on dipshit?" he laughed and slipped on his boxers.

after 10 minutes of him playing around he was fully dressed by now. we were now in my car about too pull off. we told everyone that we'd be back later.

"gia turn some heat on it's super cold outside." he whined leaning back in the passengers seat.

"asking nicely isn't a crime you know." i turned the heat on and jimin moaned at the refreshing warmth.

"you love me regardless."

"mmm." i annoyingly moaned. he was right i loved him so much.

"so how far away is this place you're taking me too?" he questioned.

"well it's in manhattan." his eyes widened.

"wow i thought it would be here in brooklyn."

"no but stop asking questions and let me surprise you."

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