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last night was so different than any other sex jimin and i has ever had, the feeling of us just missing each other from our recent drama, to the feeling of us being engaged, his soft tan glorious skin against mine, the smell of his cologne mixed with his sweaty body, the brush touches of his now black longer hair on my ear, he just makes me feel like the luckiest woman in the entire world, he was much more gentle than our very first time, almost like he was begging for anymore forgiveness that he needed, that he believes i've been holding onto.

"gia?" he says in that same groggy tired voice that i love so much.

"yes baby." he reaches over to climb ontop of me as he just stares into my eyes. "what is it jimin?"

"why are you up so early?" a smile forms on the dark haired boy as he chews on his swollen lip impatiently.

"i couldn't sleep, so many thoughts in my head." i said truthfully.

"like what?"

"us." i didn't hesitate to answer but his eyes raised up in surprise.

"really, well what about us babygirl?" he lays his head on my stomach and rubs my bare skin sending chills through my body,

"everything, jimin. from the moment i met you, how you've changed me from this sweet, prude girl that i once knew back in high school. how we've been through hell and back in our relationship, i went through emotions that i didn't think i could go through with you jimin. i won't say i loved every emotion but i definately don't regret a damn thing. believe it or not but you make me feel like the happiest female that ever existed, i'm more than estatic to be marrying you one day." before i could let out another word i feel wet drops on my skin.

"you really mean that gia?' he questions in a whimpering tone also avoiding eye contact with me.

"are you crying jimin?" he nuzzles his head slightly as to nod a no. "baby, you are crying. what's wrong?"

"i just...i just feel like i've done you wrong so many times and each time i think about it the memories make me feel less and less of a future husband. it hurts me knowing i've hurt you so many times and yet you stay. yet you accept my proposal to become my wife even after i basically cheated once and just left you not only once but twice. why do you even put up with me? why do you love me gia? i don't deserve you." he says as my stomach and shirt are drenched in his tears.

"i just love you." i frown while i look at the love of my life trembling.

"that's the thing gia? why do you love me? all my life i've been nothing but trouble. selling drugs to get by, killing people, fighting people, getting drunk, getting high, going to jail, sleeping around with women whenever i wanted to, being an asshole just because it's fun to see people sad or mad, and you love a person like that? you love a monster?" he was now looking at me with a hard glare waiting for me to answer the questions he's probably been waiting for.

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