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the school year was almost coming to an end slowly; my first year of college was almost coming to an end and i couldn't wait. me, jungkook, jimin, and mariah had paid for our own apartment so therefore we weren't in college dorms anymore. mariah and jungkook complained a lot about how much sex me and jimin had at night but we didn't care. we were engaged of course we were going to have lots of sex. jimin was going to be starting school the following year to start off fresh and he's also been improving with his anger management ever since he's been going to counseling. i couldn't be happier right now everything was playing out wonderfully for all of us. taehyung was already auditioning for different movie roles, yoongi and hoseok finally broke the news that they were dating even though i always knew they would get together, jin and namjoon auditioned for bighits entertainment so therefore they were bound to be popstars in a couple of years since they got in.

i also learned that jimin was a secretly great dancer and a lovely singer too. there was a lot about jimin that i didn't know about yet; he's also painted most of the artwork displayed in our apartment. jimin has been keeping contact with his father a lot too and it seems they're on really great terms right now. as for me i've been having extreme stomach pains and eating more than usual and my period is super late. i tried taking pregnancy tests to see if i was pregnant but i guess it's too early for me to know. me and jimin haven't really used protection lately and i talked to my mom about this she feels that i might be pregnant. i haven't talked to jimin about this and that's why i have him sitting next to me.

"gia, you called me while i was in my meeting so this better be important." he said checking his diamond watch. jimin had enough money to buy everyone in this apartment a pair of gucci shoes since he spends his money like he's broke. he's saved his money from a young age and not to mention but his father has decent money.

"jimin this is important....i think.....i'm pregnant." i lowly said and jimin just blushes from the shocking news.

"wait are you sure?" he questions his hand on my stomach.

"i missed my period and my stomach has been in slight pain." jimin just stares for a moment but that was quickly erased as he starts jumping up and down in excitement.

"SO YOU'RE CERTAIN WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!" he squeals and i chuckle.

"i'm not sure yet jimin i have another test right here to make sure cause i waited a while from the first one i took." he quickly moves me to the bathroom and waits eagerly for me to take the test.

"hurry take the test!" he rushes and i groan.

"don't rush me jimin." i say getting ready to take the pregnancy test as we waited for the answer.

"PREGNANT!" we both yell as we both jump up and down.

"WE'RE GOING TO BE PARENTS; I'M GOING TO BE A DADDY! OH MY GOD I HOPE IT'S A BABYGIRL SO I CAN SPOIL HER ROTTEN!" jimin was super happy and i couldn't hide the smile on my face. seeing him overly excited to become a father just gave me a feeling that i never had.

"this is exciting baby we're going to be great parents!" jimin hugged me softly and we stood there just hugging each other.

"if it's a baby girl she's going to be so adorable in her dress walking down the isle throwing flowers out for our wedding! i'm team girl already." he says confidently.

"i'm rooting for a baby boy." i say rubbing my stomach. jimin hadn't taken the smile from his face and just me staring into his dark brown orbs that always kept me in a trance never disappointed me.

"i'm in love." he says bringing me in for a kiss and placing his hands on the sides of my waist.

"i'm in love too." i breathe slowly pressing my face into the crook of his neck.

"we're going to have to break it to everyone that we'll be parents."

"in due time we will. in due time."


jungkook and mariah were now cuddled on the loveseat as me and jimin cuddled on the longer couch. we were enjoying a really cute romance movie and snacking on popcorn in the dark as i feel jimin lean over and place pecks on my neck softly as he rubs circles over my stomach.

"i love you." he whispers in my ear and goes back to kissing me softly.

"i love you too." i say lowly so that mariah nor jungkook could hear. neither of us had anything else to say so instead he laid his head on my lap while we continued the movie.

the movie had finally ended but mariah and jungkook were fast asleep on each other.

"i don't know what i'd do without you or where i'd be. i know it wouldn't have been here." jimin says breaking the ice between us. "now we're having a child together, getting married, going to school, it gives me so much more to live for."

"i'm so thankful God blessed me with you jimin. you're the highlight of my life truly, you gave me a gift to birth another human and you also give me utter happiness. something i longed for."

i run my hands through jimin's hair and just admire his ethereal beauty. his lips a little more plump than usual and his cheeks redder than most days. he just looked absolutely stunning as always.

"you're so beautiful jimin." he smirks up at me.

"no you are."

"you always change my compliments around to me." i chuckle and he brings me in for another kiss.

"it's cause i love you a lot."

"i love you too."




alright so this was a short chapter and a cutesy one.

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