Chapter 5.

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I was in Germany. They were recruiting men for a battle. However this was not a battle agains an other army, we were going to battle monsters. They told us about a group of monsters living in the forest of the dead. We all believed these monsters were horrible creatures, monsters supposedly feeding on humans. So i cut my hair, and bound my chest down. Then i went ahead and called myself  (b/n)

Dumb asses believed me.

When they had gathered a few hundred solders, we received a short training of how to use the weapons. Then they tested our strength, alongside our agility and how much we could withstand. I had the highest score among all the solders, even rising above the record. Therefore i was given a high rank in our force. Same old.

When we were finished, they lead the way into the somewhat endless forrest. I immediately knew where the other beings of the forest were. But i said nothing. If i just lead them right to the beings our trip would be cut short. So i let the general lead us all in the wrong direction. After hours of walking we sat up a camp, tents were sat up. Somehow no other solder than me knew how to put up a tent. But wouldn't help them. They were all a pathetic excuse of solders, honestly.

We spent weeks in the forest, traveling by day. Camping at night.they never once went in the direction of the beings. We did not ever encounter them while scouting or traveling, however i did.

One day, while the sun was high and warm. I decided to wash the mud and blood from scraping against trees while walking. So while the sun was high in the sky, i took the opportunity to wash myself as this was about as warm the water would get. I was cautious so no one would sneak up on me and see that i was in fact a woman. But i suddenly hears a low buzz, so low that the human ear couldn't possibly hear it. But i did. So i looked back to where the buzz was, ther in front of me was a tall woman in a beautiful gown, with long white hair ending in sort of a tentacle like fashion. She had however, no face. Just a blanc surface. Beside her, holding her hand was a small child. Dressed in rags, he had black tentacles coming from his back. Hus face was also blanc. And he had no hair.

"Um, hello?" I said, more like a question.

Then i looked at my clothe lying by the shore. I couldn't possibly reach it with out being naked in front of the woman and child so i continued with.

"Could you possibly pass me my clothes, please. I think it would be inappropriate to be naked in front of a small child."

She looked strangely at me, then her hair stretched and picked up my clothes, and then she passed it to me.

"Thank you ma'm"

I went ahead and got dressed behind the waterfall, going out once i was covered. Se seemed startled by what i was wearing. Seeing as i was dressed like a solder.

"What are you folk doing so far out in the woods anyways? The army is looking for a supposedly 'monster family'" i said while making a mockery sign with my fingers while i said monster family.  

She tilted her head, then she spoke. But not like normal speech, it was like she was inside my mind.

"Are you not scared of our appearance?"
"Should i be?" I asked and cooked a eyebrow.

Then she continued,
"I would expect you to try attacking us by now"

I just held a look, but she understood that it meant Why?

"I suppose we would be the 'monster family' you are speaking of, you are a solder aren't you? So why aren't you trying to hunt us?"

"Well i believe monsters are those who do monster-us things, not people with a different than standard look" i shrugged.

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