Chapter 10

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Add Miss You by Foster The People kkkkkkkk

Luke didn't tell Michael of the incident with Calum, he knew he probably should've, but he felt like that would just be awkward and also Luke didn't want to argue with Michael, he just wanted everything to be perfect for him all the time. So yes he didn't bring it up. Also how could he of done like, 'oh yeah by the way you're ex boyfriend/best friend is a jealous freak and you need to tell him to stay in his own lane or drop him immediately' Luke couldn't of done that, even if he did think it was true.

So far Michael and Luke had been texting constantly though. They didn't do phone calls, Michael explaining how they made him feel awkward and sick, and not in the 'butterflies' kind of way, and Luke could only accept that, after all, it seemed perfectly understandable to him, he knew not everyone like phone calls or were confident or anything like that, he didn't personally feel like that, but he was fine with it still.

They both ended up staying up until 3am again, just talking to each other about nothing and everything. Bands were a constant subject of conversation, and currently they had both been freaking out over The 1975, as both agreed that they were perfect. Almost every night, when they stayed up late, Luke would be the first to fall asleep, clutching his phone while waiting for the next text from Michael (Michael wasnt a slow texter by any means, Luke just ended up getting horrifically tired by 4am) and of course last to wake up, considering Michael had work most days, and Luke had no idea how he could go to sleep so late and get up again so early.

Every morning after Luke had fallen asleep, he'd look down to his phone, and see a goodnight text from after he'd fallen into a deep sleep and Michael realised when he wouldn't reply, and then a good morning text, though generally Luke was up by afternoon. The simple texts still warmed Luke's heart in a way he could never understand, and he hugged the phone against his chest as if the hug would somehow reach Michael.

Slowly Luke made his way out of bed, putting some bread in the toaster while running his hands through his hair and flopping down on a chair in his largish kitchen, staring out the window. His body was begging for a smoke, but he had to go outside for that, and he didn't want to deal with the cold just yet.

He ate his toast in silence, yawning a few times still, and once done, Luke jumped up, because though he was tempted to just stay at home and laze on the sofa while watching re-runs of Friends and How I Met Your Mother, he chose instead to get up and actually do something. So after getting showering and shoving on a black sweater and black jeans and black Vans, hey maybe the bus will be free because it'll look like he's going to a funeral, Luke walked out his building, locking the door behind him, and finally taking out the cigarette he so stupidly craved.

He walked along the snow dusted street, head held high as usual, cigarette pressed against his lips, and of course he was a good few inches taller than most people, making him feel slightly better than the others, height made a difference in this world in Luke's eyes.

He reached the bus stop in no time, given it was only a couple of streets away, and he stubbed his cigarette when the bus he wanted was approaching, though sadly he didn't get on for free, and Luke sat by the window on the near empty bus, resting his head against the window as he waited to get to his stop.

Thankfully he stop was only a short way by bus, though it would be a lot further to walk, especially in the cold, and though he could've gotten there by his own means, he was too tired to actually be bothered to put the effort into driving.

Not too long later though, and Luke was back to walking in the cold, though he opened the door to the smallish CD shop, a small bell ringing above his head as he did, and he instantly warmed up with the shops heating, and he felt the heat reappear in his cheeks. He could go to HMV or some other company store, which admittedly would be closer, but Luke preferred to go to small shops where he could though.

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