Facts About Cats

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We cut to the next scene where Terry and Kaitlyn were in the Library together. As Kaitlyn keep on searching for a new book. Where we heard more of the Gipsy Kings lovely and sassy music of the track "Mujer".

Kaitlyn: You know my father has always love about cats. He was a former geneticist in Gotham City.

Terry: Really?

Kaitlyn: Yes. He had a partner once, that help him know how to experiment these animals. He usually created a T-99 mutagen, for his activiites.

Terry: Mutagen? Well I see why not. There was a Menace once in Gotham, they were called the Chimera Institute, once owned by Dr. Abel Cuvier, he introduces a system of combining animal DNA with human DNA; it becomes a trend amongst the young people of Gotham. And even give a taste of Fashion.

Kaitlyn: (Laughs) Is that so.

Terry: Of course the DNA Mutagen, turn them into monster, and when Batman did stop them, Dr. Abel Cuvier and his goons were defeated, and everything change back, cause no one what's to be a wild animal.

Kaitlyn: Yes I see. But my father wanted to created a rare Mutagen that can mix between a Human's Blood to a Animal's blood, and both Animals in a new Breath of species. Of course he forced to leave Gotham. And decided to move out to an uninhabited island, where he continued his experiments. And now I living on the island with him, doing our own experiments.

Terry: What experiments?

Kaitlyn: Oh it's a special secret.

Terry: Really. So what is it with you and these cats, you're reading about?

Then normal Soft Music appears

Kaitlyn: Oh my father love cats, and so do I. Cats come every style because they are felines. They crawl and hunt for pray and to eat whatever they want. For big cats, like the cheetah, tiger, and a lion, they are like people who crawl and roar like a big beast. While little cats are small, cuddling and very clumsy. But they are smart and sneaky.

Terry: And very cute?

Kaitlyn smile at Terry, and then gave him the first kiss.

Then terry stop this kissing moment. By pushing her back.

Terry: Hey.

Kaitlyn: Oh Sorry, it's just that I get So nervous when I get so slutty.

Terry: Not at all. Most girls do that when they want hang around with me. Even for Dana.

Kaitlyn: Dana? Who is this Dana?

Terry: The only girlfriend I had. Do you have a boyfriend that you like?

Kaitlyn: (Sigh) No, I'm just single. And beside, when I even gave the kiss to you, I even act like a cat. But your not even a big cat, who kiss me with.

Terry: Cats are good, but it cause a lot of trouble. And they can hurt someone who can get mean. They just silly creatures.

Kaitlyn: Hey, don't mind me. Even Cats are Human too. (As she walk herself leaving Terry Behind.)

Terry seem to like the woman. Then he started to do something nice to her as he walk to Kaitlyn.

Terry: Um, let me take a drop off, so where did you live again?

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